soda treatment

in #soda9 years ago

Conventional baking soda is a specific acid salt of carbonic acid, and sodium, in the form of fluffy white powder. Baking soda is used in food, medical, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in metallurgy, and it is common in the retail trade. In medical use baking soda is used as a unique weak antiseptic rinses with as great a means of neutralizing acidity and heartburn in the digestive tract.

Certainly, the effects of sodium on neutralizing the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, but due to this process, the inevitable separation of carbon dioxide, which leads to unrest gastric mucous skin and activates the hormone that enhances the secretion of gastric juice. This process modifies the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and livelihoods.

A common method of treating viral infections is gargling with baking soda as anti-infective agent. This is a very easy way of treatment: half a teaspoon of baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of plain warm water and gargle every four hours. Parallel to this, often use other drugs to get rid of the infection. At the same baking soda perfectly it neutralizes acid, which is formed in the throat due to colds, and promotes healing.

For this reason, experts recommend the use of baking soda to treat purulent rhinitis, a variety of stomatitis, bronchitis, conjunctivitis dangerous.

In addition, it should be noted that this tool is often used in the prevention and treatment of cancer, alcoholism, otuchivaniya smoking, treatment of addiction and drug abuse, and also for excretion of the most dangerous mercury, lead, bismuth and other heavy metals, typical radioactive isotopes dissolving various harmful deposits in the joints, as well as kidney stones and liver, gallbladder.

Baking soda is often used to treat minor burns. When you burn a hot frying pan should be attached to the burnt place any clean cloth or gauze soaked in a soda solution. Repeating this procedure several times until the complete disappearance of burning, you can avoid the appearance of large blisters.

In order to in the short term to remove the pain of sunburn, it is necessary to moisten the gauze or folded in several layers of bandage to the miraculous soda solution. To prepare such a solution will need 4 tablespoons of baking soda and a cupful of cold water. Swab dipped in a solution must be applied to the affected area. To relieve pain at strong sunburn or chickenpox, when the patient hurts a strong itch, it is recommended to take a bath with lukewarm water to which is added a whole pack of baking soda.

To quickly remove the pain of the cuts with a razor, must be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin from a piece of cotton wool swab, well soaked in a soda solution (1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 cup of water).
Cancer Treatment soda
Traditional, modern medicine does not recognize the capabilities and effectiveness of the treatment of various cancers baking soda, so if the patient decides to such treatment, it is necessary to find those who have experience in this area. For medical treatment of baking soda can be an alternative to chemotherapy, which is the result of repeatedly confirmed.

One of the Italian doctor Simoncini believes that the cause of the cancer - the fungus candida (thrush familiar to us). This unusual fungus is in every human body. In healthy people, the immune system keeps candida fungus and prevents progress. But with a weakened immune system, so that the causes can be a great multitude, the human body can not cope with the fungus. Thus begins the formation of fungal pathologies amplified in any organ of the patient.

Of course, our immune system begins to actively suppress foreign cells and coats their barrier of the cell, which has a traditional medical term "cancer". This last action that makes the human body on the way to neutralize "foreign" cells. After that, the fungus spreads throughout the body and form dangerous to human life metastases.

The first step towards the restoration of the body, of course, should be timely recovery of the immune system. Unfortunately, traditional medicine, in particular chemotherapy kills cancer cells and in addition the last resources of the organism. The fungus is in the body, the immune system in this moment prevails human low. A relatively small amount of time the fungus progresses, in the body there is no strength to fight with him, which in some cases leads to death.

Famous doctor Simoncini found a way to deal with candida - an ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This doctor says that the fungus absolutely can not adapt to the presence of soda and inevitably dies. To confirm their theory, the doctor applied a soda solution as follows: patients or drinking it, or they worked hard in the swelling solution. The results in the end turned out the most unexpected: all patients after a certain period of time has always recovered
Treatment soda yeast infections in women
One of the known methods for the effective treatment of thrush, recommended, and traditional and alternative medicine, the treatment is considered to be an ordinary baking soda. This unique method is used with respect and babies who are breast-feeding period is inextricably linked to the mother's body. Of course, in this case, the baby you need to see a doctor, but before the arrival of a specialist every mom can try to alleviate the condition of your baby.

To do this, take one teaspoon of plain baking soda, dissolved it in warm boiled water, soaking bintik well and treated with the mouth of the child, if he has a white coating. Such a method will not cause any harm.

With the help of irrigation and cleaning the soda solution can soothe itching in the vagina, and a certain period of time to get rid of unpleasant cheesy discharge. Patients women are recommended twice a day to wash with soda water for cooking what is required to take 1 tsp 1 liter of water. So unpleasant cheesy discharge to be washed.

Another equally effective way of cooking soda solution: one full tablespoon of baking soda, one almost full teaspoon of iodine, mix in one liter of boiled water. The solution was then poured into a large bowl and plunging the genitals, sit in it for about 20 minutes.

This solution can be used to use and on the second day, after adding a 1 tbsp. of baking soda, 1 teaspoon. spoon iodine and a boiling 1 liter of water. Sitting in this therapeutic basin for the second and subsequent days of at least 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure must be not less than 5 times.

Some doctors admit that the baking soda treatment of thrush is a fairly effective way for about 50 percent of women who are constantly suffering from candidiasis. The use of this remarkable treatment is based on the negative impact of a soda solution (alkaline) to Candida, which can not survive and die.

The obvious disadvantage of such treatment of thrush can be a regular and systematic implementation of these procedures. A sufficient number of physicians advise douche about once an hour. It makes no sense to take up the soda treatment and interrupt it after the immediate disappearance of the main features. Experts strongly recommend soda continue treatment for at least two weeks because Candida affects several skin layers, including the mucosa of the vagina.

And do not forget that the treatment of candidiasis should be carried out to both spouses. If soda methods do not help get rid of the fungus, you should contact your doctor, especially those with secondary or recurrent symptoms. It is undesirable to bring the yeast to the chronic stage. Use douche soda solution can be at the same time modern medical treatment, which will appoint an expert.
Treatment fungus soda
Foot fungus is suffering now quite a large number of people. There is a fungus of the foot for different reasons. These reasons can be attributed for a long wearing too narrow shoes, a long-term presence in the environment of high humidity, all kinds of injury stop, very low immunity, as well as old age. It may be mentioned that the fungus feet quite simply passed, so you should always adhere to basic hygiene rules.

To effectively treat the fungus feet there are excellent recipes of traditional medicine. For example, you can take 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. salt, dissolved in water and do a simple bath in a cool solution. After that, the legs should always be rinsed with warm fresh water.

You can offer another great recipe. Take half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate, one tablespoon of baking soda, soap, grated, two tablespoons dry mustard and dissolve in 5 liters of warm clean water. When fungus stop is necessary to make regular foot bath before going to bed.
From the experience of the practical application of pischeyoy soda hoyau noted that after 1 month of application holisterin decreased from 7 units to 3.2 units, and the blood sugar level from 7.2 to 3.7. Only need to properly take soda. I started with a quarter tea spoon tion glass of water. A quarter teaspoon of baking soda to pour into the dry glass and pour boiling water to the reaction took place, soda hissed. This is a must - boiling water. Boiled water - half a cup. Then diluted with cold boiled water and drink hot thermal solution for 30 minutes before eating in the morning. It should be remembered that 20 minutes cherz then maybe the intestinal relaxation.
Prinimat necessarily warm-hot, otherwise eslm diluted with cold water or lay down in the mouth and drink - you can easily earn a stomach ulcer!
soda treatment