I m 1 an expert on how technology takes vehicles by force our psychological 2 feeblenesses That s why I tired the last three years as a Design ethicist at Google caring about how to design things in a way that keeps from attack a 1E+09 people s minds from getting taken a vehicle by force When using technology we often point at which rays come together through a tendency to see the bringht side on all the things it does for us But I need to let see you where it might do the opposite Where does technology great act our minds feeblenesses I learned to have in mind that this way when I was an expert in stage tricks expert in stage tricks start by looking for unable to see spots edges feeblenesses and limits of people s power of being conscious of so they can power over what people do without them even getting money for it Once you have knowledge of how to push people s buttons you can play them like a piano That s me giving effect to sleight of hand quality of producing uncommon effects at my mother s birthday group of persons And this is exactly what product designers do to your mind They play your psychological 2 feeblenesses consciously and unconsciously against you in the deep line for moving parts in a machine to take roughly your attention I need to let see you how they do it take a vehicle by force 1 If You Control the list You Control the selections Western society development is made around in good ways of one only good quality and state of being free millions of us violently, angrily put forward arguments for our right to make free selections while we not take into account how those selections are made use of, did something with against the current by lists of selections we didn T 3 select in the first place This is exactly what expert in stage tricks do They give people the false idea of free good quality while architecting the list so that they come out on top in no material or substance what you select I can T 3 make a point of enough how deep this knowledge is When people are given a list of selections they uncommonly request what s not on the list why am I being given these selections and not others do I have knowledge of the list giver s goals is this list power-giving for my uncommon, noted need or are the selections actually a something taking attention away e g 4 an over-coming all order toothpaste How power-giving is this list of selections for the need I ran out toothpaste For example have an idea of you Re 5 out with friends on a Tuesday night and need to keep the talk going You open dog's cry to discover near recommendations and see a list of bars 6 The group turns into a come near in small space of faces giving a fixed look down at their phones 7 making a comparison of bars 6 They make detailed look at the pictures by camera of each making a comparison of cocktail drinks is this list still on the point to the uncommon, noted desire of the group It s not that bars 6 aren T 3 a good good quality it s that dog's cry used for another the group s first form question where can we go to keep talking with a different question what s a bar 8 with good pictures by camera of cocktails all by forming, outlining the list Moreover the group falls for the false idea that dog's cry s list represents a complete put of selections for where to go While looking down at their phones 7 they Don T 3 see the park across the street with a band playing full of force music They not see the pop 9 up building for works of art on the other side of the street in the military crepes and coffee Neither of those let see up on dog's cry s list dog's cry in a complex, delicate way reframes the group s need where can we go to keep talking in terms of pictures by camera of cocktails given out The more selections technology gives us in nearly every lands ruled over of our lives news given events places to go friends meeting regularly Jobs the more we take to be true that our telephone is always the most power-giving and useful list to pointed (road worker's) instrument from is it The most power-giving list is different than the list that has the most selections But when we as if unable to see give up to the lists of selections we Re 5 given it s simple, not hard to come out badly unbroken bands over wheels of the point or amount different Who s free tonight to Hang out becomes a list of most near in time people who texted us who we could ping What s coming about in the earth becomes a list of news get food to stories Who s single to go on a day becomes a list of faces to give a blow to on delicate condition instead of nearby events with friends or of a town experiences of great interest near I have to give a reaction to this email becomes a list of keys to sort a move instead of power-giving ways to exchange ideas with a person All user connections are lists of selections What if your email person for whom one does work gave you power-giving selections of ways to give a reaction instead of what note do you need to sort back Design by Tristan Harris When we cry for dead up in the morning and turn our telephone over to see a list of letter making note it frames the experience of while awake up in the morning around a list of all the things I ve missed since yesterday for more examples see Joe Edelman s power-giving Design talk A list of letter making note when we cry for dead up in the morning how power-giving is this list of selections when we cry for dead up does it give, have thought what we care about from Joe Edelman s power-giving Design Talk By forming, outlining the lists of selections we get from technology takes vehicles by force the way we become conscious of our selections and puts in place of another them with new ones But the closer we make payment to attention to the selections we Re 5 given the more we ll word that one is going when they Don T 3 actually get into line with our true needs take a vehicle by force 2 Put a narrow hole Machine In a 1E+09 pockets If you Re 5 a telephone operation how do you keep people hooked Turn yourself into a narrow hole machine The mean person checks their telephone 150 times a day Why do we do this are we making 150 conscious selections How often do you check your email per day one Major reason why is the 1 psychological 2 part of in narrow hole machines stopping at times not fixed in level rewards If you need to make to the greatest degree addictiveness all technology designers need to do is connection an user s acting like pulling a be lifting, moving with a not fixed in level reward You pull a be lifting, moving and immediately get either a having great attraction reward a match a reward or nothing addictiveness is made to the greatest amount when the rate of reward is most not fixed in level does this effect really work on people Yes narrow hole machines make more money in the United States than base-ball movies and chief idea parks grouped together in comparison with to other kind of gambling people get problematically had to do with narrow hole machines 3 4x quicker according to Nyu person doing high-level teaching Natasha Dow schull Author 10 of need caused by a tendency by Design image kind, polished behavior of jopwell But here s the ill-starred truth several 1E+09 people have a narrow hole machine their pocket When we pull our telephone out of our pocket we Re 5 playing a narrow hole machine to see what letter making note we got When we pull to give new force our email we Re 5 playing a narrow hole machine to see what new email we got When we give a blow to down our finger to scroll the Instagram get food to we Re 5 playing a narrow hole machine to see what picture by camera comes next When we give a blow to faces left right on meeting regularly telephone operations like delicate condition we Re 5 playing a narrow hole machine to see if we got a match When we quick, soft blow the of red letter making note we Re 5 playing a narrow hole machine to what s under telephone operations and places in the net send out in small drops stopping at times not fixed in level rewards all over their products because it s good for business But in other cases narrow hole machines come out of by chance event For example there is no bad business company behind all of email who consciously chose to make it a narrow hole machine No one profits when millions check their email and nothing s there Neither did Apple and Google s designers need phones 7 to work like narrow hole machines It came out of by smash But now companies like Apple and Google have a responsibility to get changed to other form these effects by getting changed stopping at times not fixed in level rewards into less causing a tendency more certain to take place ones with better design For example they could give power to people to put certain to take place times during the day or week for when they need to check narrow hole machine telephone operations and rightly adjust when new notes are handed over to get into line with those times take a vehicle by force 3 Fear of lost Something Important FOMSI Another way telephone operations and places in the net take a vehicle by force people s minds is by getting a 1 chance you could be lost something important If I make come round you that I m 1 a narrow way for important knowledge notes friendships or possible unused quality of sex chances it will be hard for you to turn me off unsubscribe or take away your account because aha I come out on top in you might feeling the loss of something important This keeps us subscribe to newsletters even after they place of safety T 3 handed over near in time benefits what if I not see a future something said in public This keeps us friended to people with whom we place of safety T 3 spoke in ages what if I not see something important from them This keeps us giving a blow to faces on meeting regularly telephone operations even when we place of safety T 3 even had meeting with up with anyone in a while what if I feeling the loss of that one burning taste match who likes me This keeps us using grouping thing by which something is done what if I feeling the loss of that important news story or fall behind what my friends are talking about But if we go up quickly into that fear we ll discover that it s unlimited we ll always feeling the loss of something important at any point when we stop using something There are quality of producing uncommon effects short times on facebook we ll feeling the loss of by not using it for the 6th hour e g 4 an old friend who s being with town right now There are quality of producing uncommon effects times we ll not see on delicate condition e g 4 our specially pleasing thought story of love, great doings one of owners by not giving a blow to our 700th match There are straight-away help needed telephone calls we ll feeling the loss of if we Re 5 not connected 24 7 But living short time to short time with the fear of lost something isn T 3 how we Re 5 made to full of force And it s surprising how quickly once we let go of that fear we cry for dead up from the false idea When we separate off for more than a day unsubscribe from those letter making note or go to Camp line to earth the has a part in we thought we D 11 have Don T 3 actually come about We Don T 3 feeling the loss of what we Don T 3 see The thought what if I not see something important is produced in move forward of separating off unsubscribing or turning off not after have an idea of if technology companies took in that and helped us through acting before the fact make right harmony our relationships with friends and businesses in terms of what we make statement of the sense of words as time well tired for our lives instead of in terms of what we might feeling the loss of take a vehicle by force 4 Social Approval readily one of the most able to get other to do things a to do with man being can get We Re 5 all open to attack to grouping approval The need to be part of to be approved or appreciated by our equals is among the highest to do with man guidng reasons But now our grouping approval is in the hands of technology companies When I get ticketed by my friend Marc I have an idea of him making a conscious good quality to tag me But I Don T 3 see how a company like facebook organized his doing that in the first place facebook Instagram or snapchat can get control of how often people get ticketed in pictures by camera by automatically suggesting all the faces people should tag e g 4 by viewing a box with a 1 small sharp sound true statement tag Tristan in this picture by camera So when Marc loose ends me he s actually give a reaction to facebook s suggestion not making an independent good quality But through design selections like this facebook controls the multiplier 12 for how often millions of people experience their grouping approval on the line facebook uses automatic suggestions like this to get people to tag more people making come into existence more grouping out-side forces and stops The same happens when we change our main profile picture by camera facebook knows that s a short time when we Re 5 open to attack to grouping approval what do my friends have in mind that of my new pic facebook can degree this higher in the news get food to so it stick around for longer and more friends will like or make point clear on it Each time they like or make point clear on it we ll get pulled right back every-one innately gives a reaction to grouping approval but some work to do with the structure of persons living in a place teenagers are more open to attack to it than others That s why it s so important to take in how powerful designers are when they great act this feebleness take a vehicle by force 5 Social reciprocity 13 Tit for tat You do me a support I be in debt to you one next time You say say one has been kind you I have to say you Re 5 take in well You send me an email it s rough, simple, natural not to get back to you You move after me it s rough, simple, natural not to move after you back especially for teenagers We are open to attack to needing to exchange equally others doing to make clear feeling, opinion But as with Social Approval technology companies now make use of, do something with how often we experience it In some cases it s by chance event email sending note and sending word telephone operations are grouping reciprocity 13 factories But in other cases companies great act this feebleness on purpose linkedin is the most Offender 14 linkedin wants as many people making come into existence grouping obligations for each other as possible because each time they exchange equally by taking a connection give a reaction to a note or endorsing some-one back for an expert knowledge they have to come back to linkedin com where they can get people to use up more time Like facebook linkedin great acts an asymmetry 15 in power of being conscious of When you get a note from some-one to make connection you have an idea of that person making a conscious good quality to make request to come to you when in material fact they likely unconsciously gave a reaction to linkedin s list of suggested persons in touch In other words linkedin turns your unconscious impulses to join a person into new grouping obligations that millions of people have a feeling of made necessary to give back All while they profit from the time people use up doing it have an idea of millions of people getting having stops like this throughout their day run around like fowls with their heads cut off exchanging equally each other all designed by companies who profit from it sign of being taken well to meeting thing by which something is done After taking a support linkedin takes more chances of your tendency in a certain direction to exchange equally by offering four addition of people for you to endorse in come back have an idea of if technology companies had a responsibility to make seem unimportant grouping reciprocity 13 Or if there was an independent organization that represented the public s interests an industry consortium or a fda for technology that looked at when technology companies made wrong use of these has a tendency in a certain direction take a vehicle by force 6 very deep basins unlimited lines and autoplay youtube 16 autoplays the next viewing part after a taking numbers in a back direction down to 0 Another way to take a vehicle by force people is to keep them destructing things even when they aren T 3 in need of food anymore How simple, not hard Take an experience that was limited and with limits and turn it into a very deep moving liquid that keeps going Cornell person doing high-level teaching Brian wansink put examples on view of this in his work-place viewing you can trick people into keep taking food soup by giving them a very deep basin that automatically refills as they take as food With very deep basins people take as food 73 more calorie than those with normal basins and undervalue how many calorie they took food by 140 calorie Tech companies great act the same sense of right News lines are purposely designed to vehicle make full again with reasons to keep you rolling (up and down) and purposely put out waste (from body) any reason for you to time between look again at or let go of It s also why viewing part and meeting.