Solos Solar Array production stats - November

in #solar3 months ago

The month of November we produced over 1.56 MWh (Megawatt hours) of power on the farm.

Many cloudy days last month reduced the amount of solar coming into the array, so I think we will keep seeing a drop in the amount produced. I was expecting a bigger drop honestly. But good to see we are still producing a lot of power deep into autumn.


Took my electric dirtbike out to the array and got a picture with it along side it.

Soon we will see the consumption of array B raise as I start to charge my electric vehicles more.

With an electric UTV on the way it should start to consume much more than this little electric bike. I will be using it more often as well so it will put a load on array B for sure, which is great as it was oversized when we built it. With the workshop attached to that array it should be quite useful. So now putting some good 240v load on it should be good for fast charging.

Array A production stats:

PV: 431.7 kWh
Load: 730.9 kWh
Grid Import: 596 kWh
Battery Charge: 282.4 kWh
Battery Discharge: 132.8 kWh

*combined stats are different from screenshot from single inverter.

Array A build:

System Size = 5.5 kWp DC
Panels = Sungoldpower Monocryalline 60 cell (12 Panels, 450 Watts each)
Mounting System = Brightmount EG4 screwed into 6x6 timbers
Wiring: 1x 8 AWG 19 strand PV direct bury wire pair
Inverters = 2x Sol-Ark 15k all-in-ones (240V)
Estimated First Year Production
7,408 kWh

Battery Backup = 48 3.2v EVE LF280 LiFePO4 280AH batteries
Battery Management system = Daly Smart BMS 16S 48V 500A
Battery Capacity = 45.696 kWh (840AH)

Propane Generator = Briggs and Stratton Power Protect 26kw

Array B production stats:

PV: 1130.7 kWh
Load: 791.9 kWh
Grid Import: 461.7 kWh
Battery Charge: 449.7 kWh
Battery Discharge: 383.7 kWh

Array B build:

System Size = 9 kWp DC
Panels = Sungoldpower Monocryalline 60 cell (20 Panels, 450 Watts each)
Mounting System = Brightmount EG4 screwed into 6x6 timbers
Wiring: 2x 8 AWG 19 strand PV direct bury wire pair
Inverters = Sol-Ark 15k all-in-one (240V)
Estimated First Year Production
14,815 kWh

Battery Backup = 48 3.2v LiFePO4 290AH batteries (unknown brand)
Battery Management system = Daly Smart BMS 16S 48V 250A
Battery Capacity = 47.328 kWh (870AH)

Propane Generator = Briggs and Stratton Power Protect 22kw

Totals combined for all arrays:

1562.4 kWh (1.56 MWh) produced for the month of November

Previous posts on my solar stats:



I expect you get more sun than us. We hardly saw the sun the first half of the month and the shorter days have had a big effect. It is to be expected in winter and I am still happy with our system. Those with a bit of land can go for a larger scale and so really well.

I think it has to do with our positions on the equator. I may be more south than you.

This will be our first winter with solar so I am quite curious to see when it really starts dropping off..

maybe when the panels get covered in snow.. lol

Yeah I love my ground mount setup, planning on building another one soon.


I believe they claim that microinverters that go on every panel perform better on cloudy days...

Oh interesting, mine are just series up in strings and go to the inverter.

Here is a good article that explains the difference:

You probably don't have partial shade issues, but most people have trees that at one point of the day could shade some of the panels. Also I didn't see it in this article so tech might have improved since I last researched the two for my solar but they used to say that in Pacific Northwest with lots of shady days micro-inverters squeezed out a bit more production:

It seems the main difference is now this:

"Because of how the solar panels are wired together, if there is an issue with one panel in the string, the energy production of all the panels strung together will be impacted. For example, if one panel in a string is shaded and produces less energy, all of the other panels in the string will match that shaded panel. "

hello my brother, I like your motorbike, very cool

Ah thank you.. electric motor bike.

Oooh, an electric UTV too? That sounds exciting! I'm pretty jealous right now!

Yep.. got a Polaris Ranger Kinetic on order.. Should arrive in a few weeks.

Hope you get yourself some nice toys too ;-)

Very cool! No, I only own about 1/4 of an acre. My wife and I have talked about how cool it would be to have a side by side or four seater but then we would need a trailer to haul it and we wouldn't be able to tow our travel trailer. Perhaps one day we will be able to buy some land or something where we can use it.

What about the winters when snowfall starts?

Good question, I have yet to go through a winter with my solar.. Going to be my first year.

Love the array setup! Nice work.

Ah thanks, it has been quite the project.

I wish we had as much spare land in Europe as you guys do. Got the solar guy coming next week, so I could be hooked up soon.

I get to understand that things are working very well with the solar system, a lot of electrical abracadabra really 😁

Hehe yeah, producing many watts.

Waooo!! Falta que me hacen unos paneles solares para los apagones de electricidad de mi país 🇨🇺🤦🏻‍♂️, tienes buen desarrollo bro. Y la moto 🏍 siempre de ayuda para los lugares jjj.. Saludos mi bro 🫡😉

Ah I feel ya, my first year in my new home I think we lost power over a dozen times.. Funny now I got this solar array and generator seems the power outages have dropped off funny how that works.

thanks man I like my bike too.

Good job "Asere" as we say in Cuba 🇨🇺. 🫡😎

I always had trouble producing enough once the days started shortening

Ah yeah, I really need to look into building another array.

The array wasn't the problem I was running 48V system but only had 8 6V batteries. They couldn't run the house all night once the sun went down without serious conservation

What does it matter if the sun is not too hot for solar power, I am still confused by your work, I really don't understand at all about this, but I hope that the sun will soon appear for the next few days.
Btw this beloved motorcycle always wants to be shown on camera, it seems like she's flirtatious too 😄😄

In the winter the sun is further from the earth, so I get less watts coming into the panels during this time. Also during cloudy days I get less watts to. So its not so much the warmth, but more how much light is hitting the panels at the time.

Hehe yeah shes fun to ride around on :-)

It would be wonderful riding on that bike 😁

It sure is.. always fun.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(7/10) @danzocal tipped @solominer

That is good that you collected energy through the use of solar panel. It saves a lot of money.😊Your bike is so cool @solominer

Hah thank you.

Yep it is.
