Solar v Coal, Montreux Convention, Crude Tanker War trader with Bridges transition Smale's solutions

in #solar6 years ago (edited)

What percentage of world trade is transported by sea?

IMO Maritime transport is essential to the world's economy as over 90% of the world's trade is carried by sea and it is, by far, the most cost-effective way to move en masse goods and raw materials around the world.

Why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan in 1979?

History. In December 1979, in the midst of the Cold War, the Soviet 40th Army invaded Afghanistan in order to prop up the communist government of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) against a growing insurgency. The Soviet Union feared the loss of its communist proxy in Afghanistan.

The Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits is a 1936 agreement that gives Turkey control over the Bosporus Straits and the Dardanelles and regulates the transit of naval warships. The Convention gives Turkey full control over the Straits and guarantees the free passage of civilian vessels in peacetime. It restricts the passage of naval ships not belonging to Black Sea states. The terms of the convention have been the source of controversy over the years, most notably about the Soviet Union's military access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkish Lira Slides to a Record Low as Erdogan Remains Defiant in Face of Financial Crisis

What started the war with Iraq?

Iran-Iraq War
Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein in September 1980, the war was marked by indiscriminate ballistic-missile attacks, extensive use of chemical weapons and attacks on third-country oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

The Tanker War
By Ronald O'Rourke

The anti-shipping campaigns during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) are known as the Tanker War

Operation Earnest Will (24 July 1987 – 26 September 1988) was the American military protection of Kuwaiti-owned tankers from Iranian attacks in 1987 and 1988, three years into the Tanker War phase of the Iran–Iraq War. It was the largest naval convoy operation since World War II.

Why did the United States go to war in Iraq in 2003?

A look at the rationales for going to war in Iraq, from WMD and terrorism to democracy in the Middle East. Americans were told by President Bush and his administration that the U.S. was going to war with Iraq because of the imminent threat of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and ties to terrorism.

Arbusto Energy was an oil and gas exploration firm started in 1977 by former US President George W. Bush. In 1984, the company merged with Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. In 1986, a rapid fall in oil prices made investment in oil exploration unattractive, and put the company in financial difficulties. Spectrum 7 began looking for partners or purchasers, and in September of that year it was acquired by Harken Energy through a stock swap, with Bush joining the Harken board of directors.

From 1981-1986 the chief financial officer of Arbusto Energy was Mike Conaway. Conaway currently is the U.S. Representative for Texas's 11th congressional district. Notice Texas 11th congressional district, March 4, 1883 – January 3, 2005 was a Democratic Party, until CFO of Arbustor Energy, Mike Conaway a Republican business associate of George Bush, was ushered into a Republican Party run, Texas's 11th congressional district for the first time in the history of the district. How may this be significant for election rigging v. oil rigging?

Arbusto and James Bath

A Mysterious Mover of Money and Planes
By Jonathan Beaty

One of the early investors in Arbusto was Houston businessman James R. Bath. Bath and Bush became acquainted when both men were serving as reserve pilots in the Texas Air Guard in the early 1970s, and according to journalist Craig Unger, Bath invested $50,000 in Arbusto.

At the time of the investment, Bath was a representative for Saudi businessman Salem bin Laden, the oldest son of Mohammed bin Laden, founder of the Saudi Binladin Group, the largest old construction company in Saudi Arabia. Bath's business partner Charles White later became involved in a legal dispute with Bath, during which he claimed that Bath had actually invested in the company on behalf of bin Laden and other Saudi businessmen. Both Bath and Bush have denied this, and according to journalist Craig Unger, who examined the relationship between the Bushes and Saudi financiers in his 2004 book House of Bush, House of Saud, and journalist Steve Coll, whose book The Bin Ladens examines the family's history, there is no evidence to support the claim.

The cubic mile of oil (CMO) is a unit of energy. It was created by Hew Crane of SRI International to aid in public understanding of global-scale energy consumption and resources.

What is the difference between WTI and Brent crude?

Location: Brent Blend is a combination of crude oil from 15 different oil fields in the North Sea. It is less “light” and “sweet” than WTI, but still excellent for making gasoline. It is primarily refined in Northwest Europe, and is the major benchmark for other crude oils in Europe or Africa.

What is a crude oil trader?

Crude Oil futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the contract buyer agrees to take delivery, from the seller, a specific quantity of crude oil (eg. 1000 barrels) at a predetermined price on a future delivery date.

1 Square Mile = 4 Million Barrels

What spirit of leadership? Some neighbors are dirty on their neighbor and lie a lot as well being peeping Tom's albeit kept uncle Tom serving lobby in all probability.

Solar vs Coal: same power output from simplest equation: 1 square mile = 4 million barrels of oil
By WcP.Watchful.Eye

What percentage of Greenland is covered by ice?

The Greenland ice sheet (Danish: Grønlands indlandsis, Greenlandic: Sermersuaq) is a vast body of ice covering 1,710,000 square kilometres (660,000 sq mi), roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland.

An ice sheet is a mass of glacial land ice extending more than 50,000 square kilometers (20,000 square miles). The two ice sheets on Earth today cover most of Greenland and Antarctica. During the last ice age, ice sheets also covered much of North America and Scandinavia.

Over 80 million barrels of oil a day are pumped a day while 80% of world commerce travels by ship as the most efficient known transport. 1 Square Mile = 4 Million Barrels, so with 80 million barrels that is 20 square miles, a day being pumped.

Serenity Sells proposes there is a correlation 20 square miles a day of oil being pumped with X square miles a day of polar ice sheets melting, as a derivative of calculus based on hard data:

Greenland’s Coastal Ice Caps Have Melted Past The Point Of No Return
Coastal ice has passed a critical “tipping point,” a new study shows. And it doesn’t bode well for the rest of the island’s ice.
By Dominique Mosbergen

Polar ice sheets melting faster than ever

How does the melting of the polar ice caps affect the environment?

The melting of the polar ice caps is caused by the overall increase in global temperature, and this melting can have serious consequences for all organisms on Earth. As the polar ice caps melt, sea levels rise and the oceans become less saline.

Citing Science Daily: The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single mass of ice on Earth.

It covers an area of almost 14 million square km and contains 30 million cubic km of ice.

Around 90 percent of the fresh water on the Earth's surface is held in the ice sheet, an amount equivalent to 70 m of water in the world's oceans.

In East Antarctica, the ice sheet rests on a major land mass, but in West Antarctica the bed can extend to more than 2500m below sea level.

This may be applicable in the project narrative teaming agreement solicited in a previous article:

Smale's Problems, modulus and argument with Bridges' Transition Model

Black and White in Vietnam

What is the meaning of social mobility in sociology?

Social mobility is shifting from one social status to another, commonly to a status that is either higher or lower. For example, a child of day laborers who becomes a professor achieves upward social mobility. In sociology, social mobility explains changes (or lack thereof) in social status.

Minorities continue to pay a high price for Iraq
Mar 24, 2013

Audits and oversight for EPA accountability:

How much garbage is dumped into the ocean each year?

In a more direct route, boaters may dump their trash right into the sea. In the past, this has been the main cause of plastics in the ocean. In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences estimated that 14 billion pounds of garbage was being dumped into the ocean every year. That's more than 1.5 million pounds per hour.

GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) is a concept common to computer science and mathematics: the quality of output is determined by the quality of the input. So, for example, if a mathematical equation is improperly stated, the answer is unlikely to be correct.

Cold fusion died 25 years ago, but the research lives on
Scientists continue to study unusual heat-generating effects, some hoping for vindication, others for an eventual payday
By Stephen K. Ritter

'star in a jar'

Electric Utility Commission

Review and analyze all policies and procedures of the electric utility including the electric rate structure, fuel costs and charges, customer services, capital investments, new generation facilities, selection of types of fuel, budget, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, billing procedures, and the transfer of electric utility revenues from the utility fund to the general fund.

Serenity Sells LENR cold call v. warm call Austin Energy, Texas PUC, U.S. Department of Energy

How can Helium 3 be used for energy?

Traditional nuclear fission reactions create heat, which is then used to heat water. The boiling water forces turbines to spin and generate energy. In the Helium-3 fusion process, energy is created via the reaction itself, with no nasty radioactive material for future generations to monitor.

Alpheidae is a family of caridean snapping shrimp characterized by having asymmetrical claws, the larger of which is typically capable of producing a loud snapping sound. Other common names for animals in the group are pistol shrimp or alpheid shrimp.

USS Simpson (FFG 56)

"Attaquer en Vigueur"
Simpson's rule Consumer Problem with Hicksian demand

For giggle girls getting silly with boys to go dumb clumsy sake!

The tiger pistol shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) belongs to the family of snapping shrimp.