The art of solar installation in my own way

in #solar β€’ 6 months ago

Hey guys πŸ‘‹
Today I went to a work site to install solar.The people where I work now are nice πŸ™‚ When I got there, I put down my working tools from the car and visited the position to install the inverter.

To begin work, I measured and placed the inverter to mount it on the wall.Then, hook the inverter to the wall and prepare to place the other equipment.After installing the breaker box required for the inverterAfter installing the breaker box required for the inverter, install the breakers & other accessories inside the box.After that, we went to have lunch.

After eating, we rested and around 1pm we started to work again after installation main accessories,I started to join the connection between the inverter and the breaker.
Around 3pm I almost finished but I have got to do some left.

And then we moved the batteries to the side and start joining the batteries connection.After joining the batteries, I prepared to do the load test. It ended smoothly

And then around 5pm we packed our things and head back to over company.After talking with the customer, we returned to the company.So this is today daily dairy of my working progress.
See you next time 😜
Bye πŸ«‚