The Solar System could be formed inside a gigantic cosmic bubble.

in #solarsystem7 years ago

Researchers at the University of Chicago presented a new theory on the creation of the Solar System, which explains one of the unresolved secrets of our Milky Way.

There are many theories about the creation of the Solar System, but scientists are not able to choose one valid model that would explain all the quirks of our cosmic space. Now, researchers at the University of Chicago have developed a new model that explains one of the unresolved mysteries.

According to scientists from Chicago, the Solar System was created inside a huge cosmic "bubble", which was created by a star 40 to 50 times bigger than the Sun. This theory is described in the Astrophysical Journal.

Such giant stars as the aforementioned ones are the so-called Wolf-Rayet stars. These are the hottest of all the stars. They form tons of elements, which are thrown out of their surface together with a strong solar wind. As soon as the star of Wolf-Rayet loses its weight, the sun's wind spills over the matter that surrounds it, forming a thick-coated bubble. Dust and gas accumulate inside this bulb, creating a great place for the birth of new stars.

The current dominant theory, which describes the process of solar system formation, states that it was created in the supernova neighbourhood. Nevertheless, this theory does not explain the abundance of alumina-26 isotope in the early Solar System, nor the lack of iron-60 isotope. the proportions of these two elements in our system, compared to the rest of the galaxy, are a kind of cosmic secret. This is explained by the theory behind Wolf-Rayet's existence. While the supernovae produce both isotopes, the stars of Wolf-Rayet produce only aluminum-26 and not iron-60.

Of course, this gigantic star has disappeared a long time ago, but before that happened, its shell sank partially. This phenomenon resulted in the birth of the Solar System. Although nothing is certain of what we know about the cosmos, it is certainly an interesting theory that deserves further research.


The world and universe were created by powerful mystical beings beyond the imagination of mere mortals --the great wizards, beings who are life and death themselves, and made of pure energy...

Lol... Just kidding. ☺
Nice article. Interesting theory! But our universe does hold so many, so many secrets.