Hi guys,
I want to start a serie of topics where I will post some instructions and tutorials regading solidity..so feel free to read and let me know what do u think.
Solidity is the main language used to program Ethereum Smart Contracts. It’s the most widely used right now even though there are others like Viper and LLL.
It’s a fairly simple language because we want to make contracts that are easy to debug and secure. Unlike the most popular languages such as java, Solidity is seriously limited by the blockchain. You can’t store insanely big amounts of data in variables. The computing is also limited.
The for and while loops have gas limitations. Which means that you won’t be able to create a for loop for an array of thousands of elements. We’ll go through some techniques to avoid such limitations. My goal is that you learn all the parts that make a good Smart Contract so that you’re able to do your own thing with simple, easy-to-follow, always practical instructions.
The Solidity docs are really good to learn in all this stuff in detail, but the huge amount of information they provide is too overwhelming to new developers. Here you’ll find a not-soconfusing explanation of how you do things in Ethereum. This book contains valuable information for entry, medium and high-level developers. It’s all from my own experience so you’ll probably find a few gems that you won’t see anywhere else.
Next Post: Create a basic smart contract.