In a time of stress, It is hard when your struggling and you can't reach out to people and friends who you know and you would have been their time of need. Now I really know how it feels.
When I was making my decisions! I was told not to and when you associate yourself with people who admire values and asset it's hard to communicate with them when you are downsizing.
You just have to do what you need to do and pray that they will have your back. Just hold you or even a phone call to say it will be ok or to tell you don't give up, don't commit a crime cause honestly nobody knows what they will do until their in an situation. And even though you need to stay strong and you know that sometimes hearing it helps
At least this trial can show you who's really in your corner and who cares. (Just remember that sometimes when we're down, others are going through trials of their own and honestly can't do anything else other than listen.) As for being in a tough situation, usually the consequences of a crime aren't worth it in the long run. I can't say I haven't been tempted (I COULD but then I'd be a liar). Remember, do what you won't regret. If it all turns sour, at least you'll have that going for you. And, you'll be able to proudly look your son in the eye. Good luck @althea!