It was here, in a large port city, that, according to the Ipatiev list of the ancient Russian chronicle, in 862 Prince Rurik, called by the Russians, arrived. And only two or three years later he moved to Novgorod.
History of the creation of the museum
Old Ladoga arose on the left bank of the Volkhov, where two great waterways once ran - "from the Varangians to the Arabs" and "from the Varangians to the Greeks." Scientists have established that the oldest found buildings in Ladoga were erected no later than 753 years.
Today in Staraya Ladoga there is a historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve. There are 150 historical and architectural monuments on 190 hectares. The earliest of them date back to the 8th century. But, perhaps, most of all tourists are attracted by the Old Ladoga Fortress, nicknamed the "Rurik Castle". It was built in the 15th century on the site of two earlier stone fortresses - the 9th and 12th centuries. In the 16th century, when firearms became widespread, the fortress was modernized. It was a fortification with powerful walls and five high cannon towers. The Old Ladoga fortress for a long time served as the main obstacle on the way of enemies to Novgorod. Many times she held back the enemy. And only in 1701 it lost its military significance.
Always is a visit point in all travels, the sea port
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