
There is a rare side challenge I think you can do because you have some rares.

Posted using SoMee

Okay. I'll have to check what I qualify for in that challenge

Posted using SoMee

Yeah I think you have most of the rares for that challenge

Posted using SoMee

I think I have all of them but I'm missing one that I have to buy

Posted using SoMee

Yeah you have to purchase a rare defensive back to complete the challenge.

Posted using SoMee

Yeah I think I might do that I have to do that by Monday right?

Posted using SoMee

It'll probably cost you 40 or 50 bucks to complete it.

Posted using SoMee

I will lose a little when I go to resell it but I think it's worth it

Posted using SoMee

Yeah you might lose 10 or 15 bucks buying the moment then reselling after challenge.

Posted using SoMee

No I don't believe the nft drop was worth it for series 2 though there are some debuts.

Posted using SoMee