I have obtained the status of cryptoilluminati, I am probably one of the most connected people in this industry. In general it's all about who you know to get shit done. I know basically everyone including exchanges yet people really worry and complain about the projects I am an advisor for? LOL.
Hopefully this downvote helps you realize how inmmensly Egotistic you sound in this post. It's utterly disgusting.
I hope the Shitsquad Admin didn't create this Egotistic monster. Lots of prideful and boasting individuals there.
Nope just gonna go upvote myself. It's called being successful.
I have no problem with that man. There is nothing inherently wrong about upvoting yourself on Hive. It is completely legal.
You still don't recognize that ego plays a big part in this post of yours.
You do realize that a wise man doesn't need to consistently brag about his accomplishments?
And than you wonder why after five years we haven't taken off yet?
Think about all of the bragging and self glorification you have done in the past 4 years one post after another?
Absolutely nothing got done, instead we regressed and had to do lots of fixing and hire a new team and Devs because we had incompetent Morons and rejects like Rafael Hoesktra in the team.
All I ask is that you be more reserved. All of the things you have been talking about have been reiterated for years and here we are.
Most of what I have done for this project partnerships wise is still pending release. You have absolutely no idea all I have done as a VOLUNTEER, not even paid.
Yes, I do understand that and have seen your efforts first hand. But what you are building with one hand you are destroying with the other through self glorification.
You told me you were Volunteering years ago remember? I am totally aware of your efforts.
It's almost like if you are looking for peoples acceptance and you really don't need that. I'm sure you know and have all of those things you tell us about. When we land those exchanges and all of those things you say will happen do happen, let us know then please. For now, it be a very wise thing to say very little and do a lot more.
The last time I tried to market the last app I burned a ton of bridges. You have no freaking idea. I don't really care I am going to post what I personally want to post and I am literally hinting in this post there is really a crypto illuminait that essentially can make or break a crypto. And it's not the influencers. I have met a lot of really powerful wealthy people. I have more contacts then I did back then.
Your arrogance is beyond me man. You are definitely on a power trip and that can easily blow up in your face. Humble down brother.
Dude! That was a really good tune man!