Now this was hilarious. Matt Gaetz called female proponents of Abortions marching in order to Protest as ugly, fat blue haired women who's ankles are just as weak as the Roe V Wade argument.
The Media confronted him with the comment and expected an apology from him. He said let them be offended 😂
Curious - are you against abortions without exceptions or do you see the need to allow them in some situations? Im not a citizen of usa nor do I know what the roe v wade argument is..
Only when the life of the mother is in danger. These people over here want to claim rights to decide on wether another human should live or not. They are even talking about having the rights to kill the baby 28 days after the baby has been born. Roe V Wade was simply unconstitutional and needed to be killed. It was giving women a right to murder children based on them choosing what to do with their bodies. Problem is that they aren't killing their own bodies, but the baby's body.
Thanks for clarifying
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Mik, the abortion issue has been hotly debated for decades. One party in our country uses the topic to control the women's vote. This party does not want to come to a compromise or a solution.
A majority of Americans could compromise that the fetus becomes an individual with rights after so many weeks. One leftist party in our country will never allow this debate to be resolved. Ron
This line "fat blue haired women who's ankles are just as weak as the Roe V Wade argument" can send anyone to a psychiatry
As far as Roe v. Wade. I have heard for decades that the bill was written poorly. In this last Supreme Court ruling the justices struck down Roe v. Wade, giving the power to the states to decide if they wanted abortions to be legal. ... The crazy left went crazy acting like abortion was made illegal among all 50 states. Not the case.
As funny as it may seem, I think that's an unfair description, but then, that's the fault of FOSE.