This is a demand letter I wrote to the Public Health Officer of my State. It took some eff

This is a demand letter I wrote to the Public Health Officer of my State. It took some effort to write this demand letter. I hope this makes your life easier if you are going through the same problems I am going through in your state and you need some guidance in how to write a demand letter. Peggy Hall from the Healthy American has been extremely helpful to me.

A demand letter is step one, if you intend on suing the Government. If you intend to sue the Government you have to let them know you are going to sue them. This is precisely how you start.

TO: Joseph A. Ladapo, State Surgeon General & State Public Health Officer
FROM: Rafael Gomez, Florida Resident
DATE: September 5, 2022


Today I write to put you on notice regarding several civil rights violations you are committing in your public health orders related to the Corona Virus.

As the State Surgeon General of Florida's Department Of Health, you have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of Florida and the Constitution of the United States.

Your issuance of covid public health orders (without exemptions for religious beliefs) are in violation of several state and federal laws including: 1. Section 3 of Florida's Constitution related to Religious Freedom Chapter 760.072.

Florida Statues Chapter 8363.

Florida's Patients Bill of Rights Chapter 381.026(4), Title VII and Title IV of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, Florida's Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1998, which affirms: 761.03 Free exercise of religion protected.— (1) The government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except that government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person:(a) Is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (b) Is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest. (2) A person whose religious exercise has been burdened in violation of this section may assert that violation as a claim or defense in a judicial proceeding and obtain appropriate relief.

Florida Statues 761.03 guarantees the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference. Your actions have caused me harms, including the loss of my Job of 7 years on February 9, 2022 at the University of Miami because of Coerced Weekly Covid Testing against my Sincerely Held Religious beliefs, in which no Religious Exemptions were accepted and led to my firing in Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I was also denied medical treatment on the day of my appointment at Sanitas Medical Centers on August 18, 2022 located at 18610 NW 87th AVE Suite 101, Miami Gardens, FL. At Sanitas Medical Centers I was told by Staff that a Doctor could not see me unless I veil my face against my religious practices and in Violation of Florida's Patient Bill of Rights, and their own Patient rights and Responsibilities Document which says "A patient has the right to impartial access to medical treatment or accommodation, regardless of race, national origin, religion, handicap, or source or payment. In fact, no where does it say medical staff and physicians are allowed to deny patients treatment because of Covid fears and against their religious practices.

I (along with many other people of Faith in Florida) have been persecuted by my Employer for my religious beliefs, have been unlawfully discriminated against, fired and denied required medical services, at Sanitas Medical Centers, because I do not veil my face or participate in the deception of testing my body to see if I am sick.

My sincerely held religious beliefs, practice and observance prohibit me from defiling my body with a vaccine, covering my face with a device that obstructs my God-given breath of life, and participating in testing. These are activities that conflict with my religious beliefs, practice and observance. 

Expression of my religious faith is protected by state and federal laws. Many religious people have religiously based conflicts against veiling their face and against weekly testing. The glaring omission of exemptions to face coverings and testing based on religious beliefs is egregious and unlawful.

I demand an immediate amendment to the State health orders to include a religious exemption for those who do not veil their face with a mask or shield and for those who abstain from Covid testing based on sincerely held religious convictions.

You have taken a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of Florida and the Constitution of the United States. No emergency orders suspend civil rights. (See Civil Rights Department of Florida: "Are Civil Rights Laws in Effect During a Pandemic? Yes.",COVID%2D19%20pandemic%20%2D%20PDF.To

remedy these egregious wrongs of rampant Religious Persecution in the State of Florida, allowed by the State Department of Health with its glaring omission of religious rights protections, these actions must be taken:

(1) An IMMEDIATE addition of religious beliefs to the list of health order exemptions, written and widely publicized to the public and to the public accommodations.

(2) Written documents, flyers, emails and letters sent to all businesses in Florida requiring them to allow for religious exemptions for those who do not veil their face or participate in testing or vaccination based on religious beliefs.

(3) A public resolution from Florida's Department of Health proclaiming their commitment to the free expression of religious beliefs, as guaranteed by Florida's Constitution and the United States Constitution.


Any delay that results in my further religious persecution will be your responsibility. You will be held responsible for violating 18 U.S. Code §241, Conspiracy of deprivation of rights. This is a felony.

I am requesting your written response in 10 days. I look forward to hearing the changes you will put forth, adding "religious exemptions" to the current state health orders and any future orders, and widely publicizing this information.

Sincerely, Rafael Gomez

Mail this letter to: Joseph A. Ladapo, State Surgeon General & State Public Health Officer, Florida Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Mail Bin A00 Tallahassee, FL 32399



It is no particular religion brother. For example, I am Jewish, and I don't believe veiling my face is something that pleases God. God made us free to breath. If wearing devices that obstruct your breath was something pleasing to God it would appear in the Torah.

Now, that doesn't mean there aren't Jewish people that believe those things are acceptable. Precisely why a sincerely held religious belief has nothing to do with what is taught by a religious leader in a place of worship. The Law protects your sincerely held religious beliefs even if they aren't taught by people of your religious affiliation, religious leaders or congregation.

You presented your demand very well to the Public Health Officer of the State. Now it is to be seen how much it is implemented. Or what their reaction is

would you care to tell me what accepted religion prohibit you to put a mask ?

Where do these government institutions listen to the demands of the common man? I am also facing such issues, I have written many requests but nothing has been done yet. I hope it will be implemented in your country

  • The application you have sent to the State Public Health Officer has also increased my knowledge. I have learned from your application how to write an application to a government agency

unrelated to the post...
It is interesting to me that from 5 posts you earn as much money as in my country Serbia earns on a monthly basis hahahaha your one post is 3 to 5 working days in Serbia 🤣😅

A model to follow. They say such discrimination isn't happening. I just wished that the return to normalcy will continue. I actually could not believe that people are so gullible about the medical and state propaganda that surrounds the pandemic, the lockdown, and the vaccination. Even people I look up to are swallowed by fear and they thought that compliance is something commendable and the way to go. People who resist are considered hard-headed and rebellious.

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