I thought for a sec we're being ddos'd but it turns out you're spamming tweets with just a link and hive tag, this isn't the way to go and looking at your Hive account it seems in a similar nature. We won't be undoing this decision.
You are wright @acidyo , thats wrong, I sincerely apologize. Also I think I deserve a second opportunity to be a proper user. You can ban me at any doubt, there is no excuse but there is also no written rules on the site besides the #hive tag, again no excuse, but led to the confusion. If you would give a second chance I would for sure seize it and be a retributive user. If you consider this, would be great, if not still I am sorry, lesson learnt and lots of good things for you. Thanks.
No man, I was just sharing, didnt mean that, tought rules were for free posting in twitter. How can I undo this? Please
I thought for a sec we're being ddos'd but it turns out you're spamming tweets with just a link and hive tag, this isn't the way to go and looking at your Hive account it seems in a similar nature. We won't be undoing this decision.
OK, sorry, I misunderstood the rules didnt mean that, sorry If I did wrong to your project.
You are wright @acidyo , thats wrong, I sincerely apologize. Also I think I deserve a second opportunity to be a proper user. You can ban me at any doubt, there is no excuse but there is also no written rules on the site besides the #hive tag, again no excuse, but led to the confusion. If you would give a second chance I would for sure seize it and be a retributive user. If you consider this, would be great, if not still I am sorry, lesson learnt and lots of good things for you. Thanks.