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RE: Can you guess the TOP ANSWER??? JED asked [AlphaHippie] what is the TYPE of DRINK he DISLI

I know that AlphaHippie is into keto so he would like a high fat and protein diet while minimizing his sugar intake. I was debating between choosing between sodas and fruit juice. But I've decided to go with fruit juice because its simply fructose and have a very high glycemic index whereas some sodas are not but both are equally unhealthy options and if frequently consumed and spike insulin regardless.

Oh boy its a tough one. I'll go with the fruit juice .

Sort: lol well, the answer will be out there on the blockchain forever next week. That might just make any future ones a little easier.

I enjoyed the sharing of your thought process on this question. Of course, I can neither confirm nor deny any of it. I wish you luck

AlphaHippie You had to make this a tough one didn't you !!

AlphaHippie Can't wait to see what it is. As the saying goes ' Fruits are excellent and fruit juice is bad'.

I hope I get it right