Communist Liberals think they are funny blaming everything that happens on Russia. I have

Communist Liberals think they are funny blaming everything that happens on Russia. I have never seen in all of my life so much hatred towards White people especially White males because of these stupid Communist Liberal racist Lunatics.

The whole racist Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory which has been completely debunked even by a Socialist such as Jimmy Dore. And the Anti-Russian propaganda of suppprting Ukraine when most of the problems point to the Azov Ukrainian Neo Nazi Battalion which as Jimmy Dore proved control all levels of Government and Military in Ukraine rather than the Russians.

The Russians seem to be instead trying to save their people from Ukranian Neo Nazis wreaking Havoc while the Communist liberals disguised as Democrats in America fund the Neo Nazis. Even Facebook which is controlled by the Communist Liberals disguised as Democrats un-blacklisted Ukrainian Neo Nazi accounts because Communist Liberals feel that Russians are more evil than Fascist Nazis.


It is very sad because it is against humanity. Wherever human beings live, God bless them with peace. Humanity should be valued. Human lives should be considered more than race and color

I don't care why they are fighting or who started it.

I just want lots of men on both sides to die so that the rest of us get cheap whores jumping the border.

It is very sad because it is against humanity. Wherever human beings live, God bless them with peace. Humanity should be valued. Human lives should be considered more than race and color

Good fighting