I want to take the time here to address a few of cryptospearo's posts on Trump. I kno

in #someeofficial2 years ago (edited)

I want to take the time here to address a few of cryptospearo's posts on Trump. I know cryptospearo is being sincere in believing that Trump has good intentions and is fighting for the American Workers and against the deepstate.

However, i beg to differ, and i will bring up reasons why i believe Trump is the Deepstate/Establishment. Cryptospearo is welcomed to address the points i will make if he chooses to.

Point #1. Trump awards Presidential commendation awards to DR. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Brix and others that participated in Operation Warp Speed 12 hours before he left office. Source: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trump-awards-presidential-commendations-operation-warp-speed-team/

Point #2. Trump signed Cisa into Law destroying the first amendment which says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Cisa is the Government's censorship infrastructure. Meaning of course that Congress and the United States President made a Law that abridge the freedom of speech. It wasn't even the corrupt Democrats that did this which are pretty obvious to everyone. Trump did this who is not so obvious. In fact, those that are not very obvious like Trump always stab us in the back. They are worse than the obvious ones like Biden because we can't normally tell what they are about. Biden is easy, we know what he is about! Cisa has to be repealed as it violates the first amendment.

Point #3. Trump Partnered with Moderna. Source: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2309561/trump-administration-collaborates-with-moderna-to-produce-100-million-doses-of/

This one is very troublesome. As big Pharma revenue was tanking for years. Trump becomes their Saviour not yours. Please understand this. Just like Obama portrayed to be against the central banks, yet bailed them out during his presidency. Donald J. Trump bailed out the Pharma Cabal who's revenues were tanking.

What Trump did for Big Pharma cannot be beaten. Big Pharma drugs weren't generating very much, and a big plus is that big pharma does not have immunity over their prescription drugs. They can be sued unlike with Bill Gates and Trump's vaccines. With the creation of this big pharma product. Big Pharma gets to make money out of thin air as they aren't liable for whatever happens to the people that are being forced to consume their product. It is pretty clear that Trump is the Establishment. Trump is the Deepstate.

I can go on, but i think these 3 points prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Trump is the Establishment.

So, you may ask. What do i think about persecutions of Trump, his indictment and the mugshot ect?

My answer to that is just how the first amendment says that congress shall make no law to abridge freedom of speech. Yet congress did make a law to abridge freedom of speech and it was signed by Donald J. Trump. This proves that our legislative system is corrupt to the core, and there is absolutely no reason not to believe that this is all theater. Trump was in WWE. Political Theater is no different than wrestling theater. Neither of them are real.

Posts i am addressing > CrYpToSpEaRo




I want to take the time here to address a few of cryptospearo's posts on Trump. I kno


Lol… I honestly couldn’t give a shit about who the president of the US is, most of the time I just shit post about trump I don’t particularly like or dislike him, however IMHO he is better than sleepy Joe. Like I said could not care less but it’s kinda fun watching the US rip itself apart

Actually they are friends. Sleepy Joe is Obvious though. We know what he is about. Trump is of the not so obvious establishment. Very few can see through Trump's deception. I pointed out clear facts that expose Trump as a complete fraud

If you want to cherry pick Fauci, Covid laws and procedures, you have a point. My thoughts, Trump Deregulated the hell out of the government, propelled business to the forefront, obliviated evil Isis and brought some order of peace to the Middle East with the Abram Accords. Back at home Trump unleashed American energy. Which brought forth one of the best American economies in modern history which benefitted the entire western world. Oil enemies of the western world were dying on the vine. The economy was so good that mortgage interest rates were down at 2.5%, real wages were at all time highs while unemployment rates for all colors and creeds were at all time lows. And lastly, he took on a communist Chinese government that steals an intellectual property and unfair trade practices. .

With the alarming corruption among federal American agencies, Trump is about the only chance for our republic. He is the only man that can take on the deep dark state in DC.

My two. Cents, I know you think differently. Personally, I would get on the Trump train he is the only chance our American experiment has left at this point.

Hey RG10. I am not cherry picking here. He signed Cisa into law, which permits Government to Censor Free Speech and Congress unanimously rammed it through even though it is a violation of the first amendment that prohibits congress from making such a law. That is a huge deal, and i wouldn't call it Cherry picking at all.

That he did some good things? No doubt, he couldn't be all evil, as if that were the case he would be very obvious like Biden. Trump is of the not so obvious establishment. The Establishment always sends those of the not so obvious establishment to cut the wings off of bottoms up movements. They don't want the masses to find out that they are being played by the Republican/Democrat Party.

This whole thing with Trump being indicted and Trump going to jail is part of the play to make a victim out of Trump that way they can make the people believe that they have elected Trump when from the begining the Establishment had already selected him. If people do not open their eyes to this reality, and a bottoms up movement doesn't shatter the Establishment within a years time. Trump will be selected, and none of the things he is saying to play with people's emotions he will do. Remember lock her up? He told people to their face that his strategy worked great during the elections. But after the election we forget about it and move on. He also complimented the Clinton family and said he never intended to hurt Hillary. His daughter Ivanka is shown hugging Chelsea Clinton. These people are all friends and we are being played. They are a decentralized, multi-racial interconnected swarm like Doctor Shiva Ayyadurai says. Meaning they hangout with and bang the same people. They are not one of us. In fact, they hate us. They are Un-American and have sold us out. We need to take our nation back. We need to abolish CISA which both Congress and Trump colluded against the people to abolish freedom of expression.

Thank you.