Bragi (Scandinavian)
The god of New Life, of the reincarnation of nature and man. He is called "the divine singer" without spot or blemish. He is represented as gliding in the ship of the Dwarfs of Death during the death of recommences the process, and this goes on for an AGE of Brahma composed of alternate "Days", and "Nights", and lasting 100 years (of 2,160,000,000 years each). It requires fifteen figures to express the duration of such an age; after the expiration of which the Mahapralaya or the Great Dissolution sets in, and last it's turn for the same space of 15 figures.
-theosophical glossary
[Bragi (Scandinavian)
The god of New Life, of the reincarnation of nature and man. He is ](