Musk asked Twitter users - should the forum in Davos be a "world government"...
AMERICAN businessman and owner of Twitter Elon Musk created a survey in which he asked users of that social network to answer the question whether the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos should control the world.
Musk himself believes that the forum has become an "unelected world government" that does not suit the people.
995,000 people participated in the survey until 9:00 p.m. on January 18 (CET), and 86.2 percent answered "no"
At the end of December, Musk turned down an invitation to attend the "event in Davos", saying that it was "too boring".
In Davos on January 17, the representatives of the EU, China and the USA present their opinions on "chances for cooperation in a fragmented world".
That forum will last until January 20.
Musk asked Twitter users - should the forum in Davos be a "world government"...
Personal simple answer would be NO, the rich are bored looking for more places to think they can appear to be doing good. World is in an upheaval they are self appointed by invite....