Here some interesting details on the first 500 accounts on SoMee! What are your thoughts when you see these numbers?
Here some interesting details on the first 500 accounts on SoMee! What are your thoughts w
Here some interesting details on the first 500 accounts on SoMee! What are your thoughts when you see these numbers?
Here some interesting details on the first 500 accounts on SoMee! What are your thoughts w
Makes me wish I was one of them with those accounts lol
600mill unstaked is more than I would have thought, but I guess people are ready to take some profits if this thing blows up.
these are mainly the old OG's I would say that are currently not active on the platform.
wieger That's probably true. Some may never claim them. But we will have some massive sell walls to go through for this thing to really moon.
First by time or by volume?
Does it include somee official and somee oracle?
no it does not
Is that HIVE token, or does SoMee have its own token?
I like it, HODL!!! :)
Posted using SoMee