My son Gray is the strongest person I know. He has Down Syndrome and has faced challenges since entering this world.
He is my LIGHT here on earth!
Having been through more trials than most at his young age, he is the reason I get up in the morning. He shows me strength like no other. I don’t mean physically, I’m talking the will to continue and move forward.
Interestingly enough, my life’s passion has been working with those that have special needs. My best friend happens to have Down syndrome as well. It was clear to me that God had chosen me to have this ‘trial’ in my life for a reason. To help show the world that Down Syndrome is not SCARY!
Folks are put off with those that have special needs and disabilities, and don’t exactly know proper ways to interact with others. Maybe that’s why I’m here? To help normalize disabilities!
On my journey here I plan on explaining our set backs, our accomplishments, our complete failures. With hopes of showing that things really aren’t that different between all of us.
hey there, i have lot of admiration for parents of special needs children, my brother in law is in the spectrum, and I've sadly seen how he's getting worst by not getting the attention he needs, it breaks my heart, but i can tell first hand how important is to be attentive and show them all the love we can. Hope to read more about your son and beautiful family!
sorry it took so long for a reply. trying to learn exactly how to use this lol
thanks for your comment, it means a lot!