Christ, could someone please slap him in his flabby face with a giant, pulsating cock already? I don't feel like I'm asking for too much. One extra-gigantic cock, George Soros's face, and a shitload of velocity. Please, somebody make this happen already. Knock those vaginal eyelids right off the 'ol sleepy fucker's face. Thank you very much, amen.
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Dam dude you are real fixated on dicks
yeah right? I just sort of blacked out there for a moment, it got rather weird actually. I'm ok now though, just got a drink of water, feeling better. Doesn't have to be a dick, that was just a suggestion. A fist would work well too. Or a baseball bat. Or a spiked baseball bat. You know what, I'm not real good at making suggestions, somebody'll figure it out...
Nah, cock was the right call from the start. And balls, don't forget the balls.
The balls, yes, the balls! Every time I go bangin' on about blasting some globalist in the face with a cock I'm always leaving out the balls, always. Thanks for the edit @drutter
remember the scene in Braveheart? where he caught that dude in bed with a flail......that'll work
good scene, you are onto something here @bell2bell. I think originally (before blacking out of course) I had something in mind like that scene in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where Hatchet Harry beat that man to death with the giant dildo. Quality movie
you should follow my blog :o)