A client sent me two questions. "Why is the world is lacking in food?" "Why is there pain?" Here are the answers that came through me.
By Patricia Lyons
Photo Patricia Lyons
Patricia: The answer is to change your dream... For it is you who create the belief of your reality, with what you choose to believe is true. What we choose to believe is true, if anything but heavenly, is indeed a false prophecy, just begging to become true and into one's reality...
Client: Absolutely, I wish these thoughts are inculcated into the young children's minds. So much of conditioning.
Patricia: A wish is but wishful thinking. A belief is a mark in stone, that must already be.
Client : Very true Patricia you are always grounded.
Patricia: Believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, and no shadow will appear. The shadow is only your own doubt, your own fear.
Client: True
Patricia: Be on your ground, know your ground, your sacred grounds. It is you who choose, who steps on your grounds and how they shall step.
Client: Indeed your sacredness is what's given to you for you to open yourself to it and move ahead.
Patricia: It is also you, who choose what you wish to see on your grounds.
Client: Yes
Patricia: It is a starving world or a fruitful world.
Client: It is a fruitful world.
Patricia: There is no lack, there is only the believe in lack, that creates the grounds of lack.
Client: Yes
Patricia: There is no pain, there is only the belief in pain, that creates the grounds of pain to appear
Client: Yes
Patricia: You know these things already, set these things in action... I am just the reminder of the action, for all to appear.
Client Response: Yes, indeed it is happening
Patricia: It has already happened. The origin is pristine, and has never changed.
Client: Yes
Patricia: Now... Go out and play and enjoy the fruitful world
Client: Yes
Patricia: The power and glory are all yours, it is up to you, to choose to place a block before you or what is better known as man, to stop you from what is known as your true source or power of origin.
Client: Yes, I understand our pristine source.
Answer: Yours, mine, ours. There is no defining between the two. There is only the defining, that you set out to do.
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Hey, this is Keenan.
What do you think about the differences/similarities with "belief" and "faith"?
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