I am sure many of us have faced the predicament of facing a blank page. All the ideas one has had suddenly seems to disappear, that is where I am right now.
My wife and I have spent a lovely week with a dear friend in Amanzimtoti, Durban.
I should have lots to write about but somehow one's holiday snaps and experiences seem trivial when facing an audience of potentially thousands. I am sure many have felt this, the great world out there, the myriad lives, the untold stories. Who has not felt insignificant knowing the millions upon millions of life events that are taking place even as I am typing the words on my computer keyboard?
Image Pixabay
Life can take us in many directions, I believe that when looking back we can all see why we are on the road that fate has chosen for us. A decision made in haste many years ago, small and unimportant at the time, with hindsight was actually momentous.
Perhaps facing this page and putting words on the screen will perhaps one day be a momentous event, or then again it may all disappear into the darkness of yesterday.
Image Pixabay