*ALERT: SHOCKING: White Farmers in South Africa are being KILLED! This is REAL and the LAME STREAM MEDIA Will NOT report this!

in #south6 years ago

ALERT: SHOCKING: White Farmers in South Africa are being KILLED! This is REAL and the LAME STREAM MEDIA Will NOT report this! Here is a Message Right from South Africa, Please SHARE THIS! Thank you President Trump for Acknowledging this Horrible Ongoing Atrocity!


#SouthAfricaGenocide #SouthAfricaFarmers #SouthAfrica #SouthAfricaSlaughter #SouthAfricanFarmers #SouthAfricanFarms #SouthAfricaFarms


No. You have fallen victim to fear mongering and are spreading the problem. Official statistics show that farm attacks and murders are on the decline. So "slaughtered" is a bit overkill. So is Mr. Trump's phrase "large scale killing of farmers".

Source: africacheck

The data above includes attacks on ALL peoples owning land regardless of race.

Use your access to the internet to gather inform yourself instead of spreading a false narrative. Don't let the talk of people around you that you trust dictate what you believe. Find out for yourself.

Kind regards
A Fellow South African