Farm murders in South Africa

in #south6 years ago

Yes it is a real problem and not just some made up story some whites are spreading.

This is the reason why I left my country.

I lived on a farm with my parents for close to a year. I was in the process of expanding my dog training business and needed the extra space for the dogs. I was looking at renting a smallholding in an area close by, but one week prior to viewing the property, 3 farmers was murdered in that area. There was no way I was gonna live, lone female, on a farm with all this going on. I ended up staying with my parents where we had some safety in numbers, but my focus quickly shifted from growing my business to finding out exactly what was going on in my country. Following the murder of those 3 farmers we had a big protest across the country, called Black Monday. The idea was to get government to start paying attention (most don't yet realize that the government is actually aiding in the murders) to the farmers in rural areas, but also to raise awareness about the issue. We had huge success and internationally people where starting to take notice at least.

The problem is far from resolved though. The government has now changed the constitution to allow for expropriation of white owned property, including both farm land AND urban housing. As mentioned in the video, the South African farmers, or Boers, have been on those lands for generations. They are not just gonna hand it over.

No one knows for sure what is going to happen, but a repeat of the Zimbabwe situation is very, very likely. Realizing this forced me to make the decision to leave and try to start over elsewhere. I can not build a business if I don't feel like my assets are secure. I cannot own property knowing it might be taken away. I cannot start a family or raise my kids, knowing Zimbabwe might be their future.

I don't know what the solution to this problem is and in all honesty, I don't think there is one. The whole communist take over has been carefully planned by the elites. Everything from making Apartheid look bad, to making black hate whites & vice versa, to the ANC takeover, to making mandela look like a saint (name spelt in small caps on purpose. the man was a terrorist & murderer and the worst thing that's ever happened to South Africa) to land expropriation....EVERYTHING has been planned. And they're not about to stop it just because a few white people are making some noise. Not even the international community can make a difference, because the elites control everything, and this is their plan. Best thing for white farmers to do is to leave the country. Go to a country where there is minimal state governance, and start over. This is what I am doing.