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in #southafrica β€’ 6 years ago

First thing first πŸ˜‰ you shouldn't use other pictures to show up your beautiful country and city unless you took it yourself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ because there're many others had shared it before using the same site...πŸ˜‰

The second: you're 19 but too afraid to explore the maze yourself without your family 😁 oohh come on @shadown99 .. be a man, lol

Third: you could create a different story for each day rather than wrap it all in a single post!

4th: nice pull of the DQ... really nice cardsπŸ˜‰ you'll got the gold when you reach silver 3, the chances are bigger when you pull 5 cards in a dq. See you on the battle field

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Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 


But it was worth it because I learnt quite a bit about different companies and that I may have a good job opportunity in a few years after I study because a family friend is a Senior Manager of an IT company here in SA..

well done, it is really worth it! you can do all those taking pictures things later and create your own story thorugh your perspectives about the city.

and yes.. you'll have that gold cards later, because you derserved any of the gold for playing so diligently.. LOL.