In July 2015, marking the first year of New Horizons Pluto flyby, NASA presented short movie, showing imaginary Pluto landing in Sputnik Planum.
One year after, in the best traditions of Hollywood, it was followed with color remake
Video compiled from more that 100 images, made in June - July 2015. We are landing on the edge of giant plains from frozen nitrogen with water icebergs, flowing on the surface.
After NG flyby we have detailed images of one hemisphere's northern part. On Jan 19, NASA published processed map of known Pluto part.THe dark stripe approximately corresponds equator line.
Image: NASA
Other side of Pluto is terra incognita. We have its images from NG though, made from long distance only.
Few details are visible. One can see that there are no such prominent features as Sputnik Planum, but it seems that mountains on the far side are many times higher.
Image: NASA
Great post, these are really cool compilations of the images from the probe!