Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric: #2 Filaments in Space | Space News

in #space7 years ago

Electric currents flowing through space plasmas can be recognized through their distinct filamentary shape. With remarkable advances in space telescopes, we see today in unprecedented detail filamentary structures that pervade the visible universe at all scales. The appearances of these unique structures have proved puzzling far more often than not to astronomers. In this episode, we explore why filamentation throughout the cosmos is just one of ten reasons why the Universe is electric.


This will change all that we thought we know ...
Amazing - yet, I have not the faintest idea what to think or do with this.
But, thanks!

gives us a far better and more reasonable understanding of our universe & solar system for sure~!

Yes, but it is still a great understatement - we need to completely rethink all the "science" based on totally different assumptions and "understanding" - a disconnected universe and full of voids ...

It raises more questions and for many to rethink everything ...

Absolutely, when science & cosmology accepts electricity as the strongest force in the universe we can then look back at our own history with a vastly different perspective...
Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)

If you don't mind:

Genesis 1:3-5 King James Version (KJV)
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

This is huge now knowing that what is unseen is what was created first - as we know that electricity - light - magnetism are one in three and three in one just as the Trinity of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit?

i guess you could look at it that way too...