Tesla Falcon Heavy Boosters Given Approval To Take Tesla Roadster To Mars

in #space7 years ago

And Elon's personal 2008 Roadster too;

"Test flights of new rockets usually contain mass simulators in the form of concrete or steel blocks. That seemed extremely boring," Musk said in an Instagram post in December, adding that the company "decided to send something unusual, something that made us feel."

Image from Source

First, watch this video. If you have not been following along or are not aware, Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX is testing a new private spacecraft booster design, that will allow it to be reusable. Twin boosters will take the spacecraft out of orbin, and then the main body of the Falcon continues to push the payload into outer orbit trajectory. It too will break away and return to earth to be refuelled and reused for another mission. This is the kind of stuff I dreamed about doing as a kid, and I hope that we can succeed in building a Star Trek future.

Image from Source

Darkflame Earth needs you!

The cost of building a moon base has decreased Significantly over the last 12 months. Therefore I think Steemians should begin planning a Steemit Moon Base. Obviously we will send Bots there first, but why not invest in real estate now? The cost of building a moon base has decreased from 10 Million BTC to just 1,447,150.7771923249 BTC even at these low Bitcoin prices. That's just 500 people with $20 million bucks. 2894.3015543846495 BTC each, the biggest crowdfunding project ever.



This is the third part of a series, starting with
Colonize The Moon For 10 Million BTC
10 Months ago... &
Colonize the Moon for just 3.8million BTC
6 Months ago...

I present...

Colonize the Moon for just 518,982 BTC !!

The colonization of the Moon is the proposed establishment of permanent human communities or robotic industries on the Moon. [wiki]

Photo is a MODEL 'Moonbase Alpha' from Geocities

"The US could lead a return of humans to the surface of the Moon within a period of 5-7 years from authority to proceed at an estimated total cost of about $10 billion," conclude NASA's Alexandra Hall and NextGen Space's Charles Miller in one of the papers.

A Summary of the Economic Assessment and Systems Analysis of an Evolvable Lunar Architecture That Leverages Commercial Space Capabilities and Public–Private Partnerships

Based on these assumptions, the analysis concludes as follows:

• Based on the experience of recent NASA program innovations, such as the COTS program, a human return to the Moon may not be as expensive as previously thought.
• The United States could lead a return of humans to the surface of the Moon within a period of 5–7 years from authority to proceed at an estimated total cost of about $10 billion (±30%) for two independent and competing commercial service providers, or about $5 billion for each provider, using partnership methods.
• The United States could lead the development of a permanent industrial base on the Moon of four private-sector astronauts in about 10–12 years after setting foot on the Moon that could provide 200 metric tonnes of propellant per year in lunar orbit for NASA for a total cost of about $40 billion (±30%). See Figure 1 for prototypical Moon base.
• Assuming NASA receives a flat budget, these results could potentially be achieved within NASAs existing deep space human spaceflight budget.
• A commercial lunar base providing propellant in lunar orbit might substantially reduce the cost and risk NASA of sending humans to Mars. The ELA would reduce the number of required Space Launch System (SLS) launches from as many as 12 to a total of only 3, thereby reducing SLS operational risks, and increasing its affordability.
• An International Lunar Authority, modeled after CERN and traditional public infrastructure authorities, may be the most advantageous mechanism for managing the combined business and technical risks associated with affordable and sustainable lunar development and operations. This model also provides a possible solution to reconciling the 1967 Outer Space Treaty with commercial development.
• A permanent commercial lunar base might substantially pay for its operations by exporting propellant to lunar orbit for sale to NASA and others to send humans to Mars, thus enabling the economic development of the Moon at a small marginal cost.
• To the extent that national decision-makers value the possibility of economical production of propellant at the lunar poles, it needs to be a priority to send robotic prospectors to the lunar poles to confirm that water (or hydrogen) is economically accessible near the surface inside the lunar craters at the poles.
• The public benefits of building an affordable commercial industrial base on the Moon include economic growth, national security, advances in select areas of technology and innovation, public inspiration, and a message to the world about U.S. leadership and the long-term future of democracy and free markets.

“When I was little, I dreamed of being the first woman on the Moon,” Hall said. “Maybe that’s unrealistic now. But I can use this amazing story of individuals who are passionate about space to have a big impact on education and public outreach. And from a purely selfish point of view, I’ll get to be in mission control when the rocket is launched and travel vicariously through it.”

READ THE PAPER --> http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/space.2015.0037

Bitcoin is headed for Jupiter,

but Steem is going to Sirius!

Sirius is a star system and the brightest star in the Earth's night sky.

With a visual apparent magnitude of −1.46, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star. The system has the Bayer designation Alpha Canis Majoris. (Wikipedia)

Radius: 1.191 million km (1.711 R☉)
Surface temperature: 9,940 K
Distance to Earth: 8.611 light years

Fly Me To The Moon""Elon Musk is sending a two people to the moon and back, not “by the end of the decade”, but about a year from now. There will be no moon landing, but still, this will be the first time people will make the more than half a million kilometers journey to the moon and back, in 45 years." @orenshani7 via "

--> DragonX2 Video <--


"Once operational Crew Dragon missions are underway for NASA, SpaceX will launch the private mission on a journey to circumnavigate the moon and return to Earth."

"Falcon Heavy missions will deliver large payloads to orbit inside a composite fairing, but the rocket can also carry the Dragon spacecraft."

"Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost."

NASA seems iffy about it...

SpaceX to fly two private individuals on a Dragon 2 lunar mission - February 27, 2017
by Chris Bergin. In a hastily arranged announcement, Elon Musk has revealed a plan to launch a Dragon 2 spacecraft on a circumlunar mission, with two paying customers. The launch, which will be conducted by a Falcon Heavy rocket in late 2018, is being seen as a major statement of intent by SpaceX, especially when NASA is conducting a study to launch a similar mission at least a year later.

The announcement came as a surprise. Mr. Musk tweeted about the upcoming reveal with less than 24 hours notice.

The lack of additional specifics resulted in mass speculation within the space flight community, fostering rumors that ranged from some sort of financial announcement through to the much-anticipated reveal of the SpaceX Space Suit, hot on the heels of Boeing’s Starliner suit announcement. Numerous SpaceX employees said they had not been informed of what the announcement was about during Monday.

The two unnamed passengers have already made a “significant deposit” to fly on the mission that will be a free trajectory flight profile that will take the Dragon 2 close to the surface of the Moon before reaching out up to 400,000 miles into deep space before returning to Earth.

That's 784,400km out, and another 784,400km back. 1,568,800km

"It is likely to end with a water landing, with Dragon 2 utilizing its parachutes during its early life before refining its SuperDraco propulsive landing technology.

It's a long way to the moon and back.

On the opposite end of the scale, Mars and Earth can be 401 million km apart (249 million miles) when they are in opposition and both are at aphelion. The average distance between the two is 225 million km. When Mars and Earth are at their closest, you have your launch window. Aug 28, 2016

But how can we go to Mars without

The next Mars Close Approach is Jul. 31, 2018.

Olympus Mons is the largest Volcano in the solar system

Olympus Mons is a shield volcano 624 km in diameter (approximately the same size as the state of Arizona), 25 km high, and is rimmed by a 6 km high scarp.

Sept. 28, 2015 [RELEASE 15-195]

NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

These dark, narrow, 100 meter-long streaks called recurring slope lineae flowing downhill on Mars are inferred to have been formed by contemporary flowing water. Recently, planetary scientists detected hydrated salts on these slopes at Hale crater, corroborating their original hypothesis that the streaks are indeed formed by liquid water. The blue color seen upslope of the dark streaks are thought not to be related to their formation, but instead are from the presence of the mineral pyroxene. The image is produced by draping an orthorectified (Infrared-Red-Blue/Green(IRB)) false color image (ESP_030570_1440) on a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the same site produced by High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (University of Arizona). Vertical exaggeration is 1.5. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Are we close to a Lunar Hilton?

Barron was elected as vice-president of Hilton Hotels in 1954, serving behind his father. Just four years later the Suburbanite Economist article appeared – the earliest reference to the idea I can find. I expect it will be difficult to find anything much earlier. That was the beginning of space fever in the United States, as the Russians had launched Sputnik in October of 1957, kicking off the Space Age - a period of tremendous fear and wide-eyed hope for what was to come.
Throughout later years, the idea appears again and again in popular culture. In the 28 October 1962 episode of The Jetsons, The Good Little Scouts, George brings Elroy’s scout troop to the Moon and in a quick, fleeting shot we see the Moonhattan Tilton, a clear reference to the Manhattan Hilton hotel. And in Stanley Kubrick’s classic 1968 film “2001: A Space Odyssey” there is an office marked “Hilton Space Station 5” on the glass exterior, where people could presumably make reservations for the Hilton hotel on the film’s orbiting space station.

It's getting significantly cheaper, dropping from 10m BTC to 3.8m BTC, and now to just half a million BTC to colonize the Moon. I think Steemians should all take the time to buy a little real estate on the moon!

Time to make an investment for the future!

"Is my purchase of lunar property legal?

The Lunar Registry operates in compliance with the statutes of the Lunar Settlement Initiative, an international program through which a limited quantity of land claims are offered to private entities in order to finance the exploration, settlement and development of the Moon and its resources. The Lunar Registry is the authorized property claims agent of Luna Society International, the leading advocacy group supporting privatized property ownership on the Moon. The Luna Society is a registered international business company (IBC) which is legally authorized to operate in more than 200 nations around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Russia, Japan and every nation in Europe.

Where does the money go?

Your purchase from The Lunar Registry directly benefits the Kennedy II Lunar Exploration Project, widely recognized as the most viable proposal for privatized development of the Moon. Under the terms of the Lunar Settlement Initiative, not less than 95% of the sale price of each acre is placed in an independently-managed escrow account to be utilized "in a manner that shall successfully accomplish the goal of returning humans to Luna." For more information on the Lunar Settlement Initiative, please click here."


The Lake Of Dreams


"Lacus Somniorum is a plain located in the northeastern part of the Moon's near side. It is located at selenographic coordinates 38.0° N, 29.2° E, and has a diameter of 384 kilometers. (It is the largest of the lunar features designated Lacus.) The name is Latin for Lake of Dreams, a title given to this feature by Riccioli.
Lacus Somniorum is an irregular feature with complex, somewhat ill-defined borders. The surface has the same low albedo as the larger lunar mare found on the Moon, and its surface was formed by flows of basaltic lava.
To the southwest this plain is joined to the Mare Serenitatis through a wide gap northwest of the crater Posidonius. This crater forms the western end of the southern border, which extends eastward to about longitude 41° before turning northwest. Along this southern border is attached the flooded crater Hall, and a 150-km-long rille named the Rima G. Bond for the small crater G. Bond south of Hall.
The irregular eastern border comes close to the small crater Maury before continuing to the north until it reaches the crater remnant Williams. From there the edge continues to the west. A narrow border region separates the Lacus Somniorum from the smaller Lacus Mortis to the north. This strip of rough terrain includes the flooded impact craters Mason and Plana.
Finally the lake curves back to the south, joining a region of rough terrain along the northern border of the Mare Serenitatis. In the southern half of this border area lies a rille system designated the Rimae Daniell. These were named for the crater Daniell, a small formation north of Posidonius that is encircled by the Lacus Somniorum. To the north of Daniell, near the northern edge of this feature, lies the small crater Grove."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacus_Somniorum



@midnas-howler, @algenisfig, @steveblack, @hilarski, @phusionphil, @brad-saunders, @tomwafula, @liya-@vazhinskay, @jjenova1ir, @leritur, @nagavolu, @varonskiy, @uryvs, @orlandoj, @mawardy, @lankynathan, @nightknight, @ridaazhar, @lockyourphone, @cake0, @izaliz24o


It's getting significantly cheaper, dropping from 10m Bitcoin to 3.8m Bitcoin, to colonize the Moon. I think Steemians should all take the time to buy a little real estate on the moon!

Time to make an investment for the future!

"Is my purchase of lunar property legal?

The Lunar Registry operates in compliance with the statutes of the Lunar Settlement Initiative, an international program through which a limited quantity of land claims are offered to private entities in order to finance the exploration, settlement and development of the Moon and its resources. The Lunar Registry is the authorized property claims agent of Luna Society International, the leading advocacy group supporting privatized property ownership on the Moon. The Luna Society is a registered international business company (IBC) which is legally authorized to operate in more than 200 nations around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Russia, Japan and every nation in Europe.

Where does the money go?

Your purchase from The Lunar Registry directly benefits the Kennedy II Lunar Exploration Project, widely recognized as the most viable proposal for privatized development of the Moon. Under the terms of the Lunar Settlement Initiative, not less than 95% of the sale price of each acre is placed in an independently-managed escrow account to be utilized "in a manner that shall successfully accomplish the goal of returning humans to Luna." For more information on the Lunar Settlement Initiative, please click here."


The Lake Of Dreams


"Lacus Somniorum is a plain located in the northeastern part of the Moon's near side. It is located at selenographic coordinates 38.0° N, 29.2° E, and has a diameter of 384 kilometers. (It is the largest of the lunar features designated Lacus.) The name is Latin for Lake of Dreams, a title given to this feature by Riccioli.
Lacus Somniorum is an irregular feature with complex, somewhat ill-defined borders. The surface has the same low albedo as the larger lunar mare found on the Moon, and its surface was formed by flows of basaltic lava.
To the southwest this plain is joined to the Mare Serenitatis through a wide gap northwest of the crater Posidonius. This crater forms the western end of the southern border, which extends eastward to about longitude 41° before turning northwest. Along this southern border is attached the flooded crater Hall, and a 150-km-long rille named the Rima G. Bond for the small crater G. Bond south of Hall.
The irregular eastern border comes close to the small crater Maury before continuing to the north until it reaches the crater remnant Williams. From there the edge continues to the west. A narrow border region separates the Lacus Somniorum from the smaller Lacus Mortis to the north. This strip of rough terrain includes the flooded impact craters Mason and Plana.
Finally the lake curves back to the south, joining a region of rough terrain along the northern border of the Mare Serenitatis. In the southern half of this border area lies a rille system designated the Rimae Daniell. These were named for the crater Daniell, a small formation north of Posidonius that is encircled by the Lacus Somniorum. To the north of Daniell, near the northern edge of this feature, lies the small crater Grove."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacus_Somniorum


@elias-jaxon, @jodipamungkas, @johnycrypto, @hectorjoachim, @alexrf, @stanislavpetrov, @vilaugc, @cbcheng, @travelpleasure, @robisonfayedd, @foarsyad, @jvalentine, @dwikis4, @lankynathan, @dillibabu, @andrew-jesus

I will keep posting

about a moon base until I am there live streaming on the moon.




Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

COTSCommercial Orbital Transportation Services contract,Commercial/Off The Shelf
JPLJet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, California
SLSSpace Launch System heavy-lift

A very interesting post my friend. I wish there was free time coming to my blog @fajrinurdin1990.

I share your dream of a Star Trek future.

How amazing would it be to make this project possible due to Bitcoin!

I'm so glad that we'll probably be still here, alive and well, to see the rebirth of space exploration in our lifetime.

Go Elon!