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RE: Space Colonization Is a Meme

in #space8 years ago

I am a dreamer and a cynic rolled into one. While I don't support warfare, I recognize that significant technological advances have come into play because we, as a species, are intent on finding the best ways to kill. Likewise, serious technological breakthroughs have come about because of the efforts we've made in inner space.

You are right that we are not currently in a position to

sustain a monkey on the moon for a month.

That said, we're also developing a very real understanding of our own climate that has been made possible by the crap we've put into orbit, not the least of which is ISS.

Petty infighting, resource wars, and the unending cyclic nature of political posturing means we'll likely destroy ourselves before we ever reach the technological capabilities required to get off this rock for the long term.

Sylvia Engdahl wrote a book called, The Far Side of Evil, that discusses civilization teetering on the edge. It's a YA novel from the '70s, and yet, maintains its relevance.


Nice one. I will check it out. Put it in my reading list.

Rock on! When you get to it, let me know what you think.