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RE: There's a Planet Stuck to The Bottom of My Shoe And I Can't Get It Off

in #space7 years ago (edited)

I understand that's your viewpoint. I respect your viewpoint, but...

He wasn't ranting. If you read his original post and would've understood his intent. He was coming from a positive angle intending to state his feeling of awe at this universe we live in. He was not intending to engage in the pointed scientific or religious argument that you are insisting on having. I speak with him personally, and as I am aware, he was in a perfectly fine and positive mood until you came here and provoked him with insulting comments. Your disagreement of viewpoint is not what's caused anger. It's your tone and your approach. I feel like I've stated this clearly, and I've even humbled myself to apologize to you for my own actions that were less than kind. You seem very angry at the fact which you presume - that we do not believe the same things that you do. I understand this. But it's unnecessary and completely unproductive for you to try to persuade us in this way - with anger - with argument. I'm asking that you speak calmly and engage in a discussion, not a fight. I don't wish to fight. And I believe my friend, when not provoked, doesn't wish to fight with anyone either. These kind of arguments are so petty on a grand scale. We can all do so much better.

I also don't mean to sound like I'm talking down to you. I take this formal tone when I'm trying to deescalate a situation. It's the only way I know how. I know you're not a robot. I know you're not stupid. I don't think I know 'better' than you do. I simply believe we likely hold opposing views. That doesn't mean that we as people have to oppose one another. I don't wish to oppose you. And when you oppose me (only speaking for myself, no one else) it makes me sad. You've made me cry today over this. I want to connect with people, not find reasons to build walls and fences and barriers to divide and keep others out. This is my true heart. I hope I've somehow conveyed that to you.


"insulting comments" - what "insulting comments" - I did not to anyone.
calling people "small man" is a "insulting comment" but it was not I that said it.
I only disagree with the idea or theory or arguments. "insulting comments" are directed at a person, not at an idea.

"anger. It's your tone" - how is that?

I am not going to continue this and not here.
All the best!

Please do not take it as offence, but, I do not even want to read anything here any more and have not read all that was written.
Sorry ...