
LOL. You don't see the very evident horizon drop? Perhaps you need glasses and that is why you think the earth is flat. That IS the curvature of the earth as it drops away from you as you go up in altitude. It's a 'mantra' of Dubay's that the horizon always rises to eye level because it must on a flat earth. But it doesn't. It DROPS, just like in the photo, because of this. And to be a flat earther, you have to ignore these observations that are impossible on a flat earth!


Not sure why, but Steemit cuts off that image, You'll have to go full screen to see it.

And AGAIN, even if everything NASA said was a lie, it simply means NASA lies. How you can determine it's flat simply because you think NASA lies is beyond me when there are literally thousands of simple observations, like horizon drop and increased distance to the horizon (same thing, just expressed in different ways), that prove it's a sphere. No NASA or government needed.

In fact, probably 10% of the people I know who are trying to educate flat earthers also believe NASA lies. They are two completely different topics!

PS. I'm an anarchist. I think NASA should be abolished. But ANYONE can see the earth is round through simple observations we've been making for over 2000 years. Like horizon drop.

If you are TRULY a 'truth seeker' you will distinguish between different conspiracies instead of conflating them all. We need ZERO evidence from NASA, from Masons or Jesuits, or government to be 100% certain the earth is round.... like due to horizon drop, as one of THOUSANDS of simple observations.

I highly suggest you join a local astronomy club and learn to look at the night sky. It's impossible to understand the night sky, particularly the two hemispheres, and still believe the earth is flat.

There are zero amateur astronomers who think the earth is flat because it's patently obvious to them that it's not.

Please please please join an amateur astronomy club and see for yourself.

PPS. I also want to mention that Fredrikaa's reward pool was around $500 when you started this flagging war. It's now up to almost $650. Your war simply gets the intelligent people to back him, and is INCREASING his rewards pool, while they are flagging your posts and removing your rewards.

It is having the opposite effect you intend. I personally know that tons and tons of people have picked up astronomy since the flat earth movement has picked up. So, you are educating people about the world, and more people are going out and seeing the world with their own eyes and learning it's round for themselves. So, thanks for getting more people interested in space and earth science.