
Stop replying with this nonsense in top comments for attention.

Like promoting Bitconnect?

You knowingly promoted a scam that may have cost people money, thankfully no one reads your posts.

Do you have anything original or do you rely on YouTube crackpots to make all of your arguments for you?

I see you believe in economics as well

So why as an anarcho capitalist do you sign your post economist?

Yet it doesn't seem you value principle, consistency, and justice. You just want to try and push your agenda by trolling @fredrikaa. Are you over due for your coffee enema?

Hey bud, I think the thumbnail on your video speaks for your legitimacy.

Go back to school.

Yeah, what else would Earth be?

I bet when you see an insect flying around in a moving vehicle you think that's magic.

This must be one of those Russian bot accounts :(