Space Base Found On Google Mars - Must See!!

in #space8 years ago (edited)


What do you think about this??

If you use the google mars simulation which is supposedly comprised of official NASA imagery, you can locate what appears as a man made structure or base.

Is it just faked footage? Is there an actual base on mars itself? Or do you think its just google playing a joke?

Video below

Something is definitely odd here. There has been conspiracy rumours that NASA does all their filming and photos of mars on earth located at a place called Devon Island just near Greenland, yet there has also been whistleblowers who have alleged a break away civilisation already has colonies set up there.

Additionally, a computer hacker from the U.K called Gary McKinnon has so far evaded facing extradition to the United States for accessing records that seemed to support the idea of an existing mars colony has been setup and is being kept secret from the general public according to his own account and findings.

Interesting to say the least!

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