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RE: Space Colonization Is a Meme

in #space8 years ago

I have been heavily researching the whole space and globe vs the flat earth and I have yet to see where the globe is legit! Flat earth has made me a believer and that is not an easy thing to do! so I am really not buying into the Mars colonization or that we have been to the Moon thing at all for sure the whole moon landing was a hoax and was filmed by Stanley Kubrick. So Just do some investigation and make up your own minds as we all should do and not just be brainwashed by the so called Science and Nasa crisis actors. Lets just take care of our home here and find out who we really are and discover our incredible talents when we break our minds free from the Programme installed by those that want to keep us enslaved to their agendas! just and light to you all! Namastaynpaint!!


nah, the earth is round. There are various ways to check it from here.