Scientists record over 15 Radio signals from Distant Galaxy.. who's the sender?

in #space8 years ago

Since we've been monitoring the cosmos on earth for radio signals, roughly a few dozen FRBs(Fast Radio Bursts) beyond the Milky Way have been detected & recorded.

Generally speaking the events are single occurrences from a particular area in space. In only one detection, FRB 121102, over a dozen FRBs have been recorded. Scientists just this week pointed at FRB 121102 once again and provokingly recorded over 15 FRB's pulsing away yet again, and now at even higher frequencies then in the past.

This is rather extraordinary and simply a natural phenomenon.. or very well technology from another life form.

Read more at:

-- originate


Columbus is sending signal back home and we are the indians. These guys out there is never be a good friend.

may or may not be aliens... but i wish whenever we found them they turn out to be good friends of us :D we will all be safe that way i hope

If it is aliens they are 3billion light years away so we have 3billion years assuming they leave now

true that... but here we have so much expectations with what they look like.. and thats good .. they will feel like welcoming

i ask the question, what will they look like?

umm.. may be like that of a picture which i have their in my mind... a big head... thin lips lines only.. no nose.. big eyes... 2 fingers.. flat legs with no fingers... grey green body... no familier language..

hahahahahaha, what if they appear just like an ameoba

:D then i will imagine them as a mercury like amoeba... my finger will feel jelly when i will touch them... and they will laugh.. wow! they may become a cute intelligent pet then...

Might not necessarily be a signal from aliens since the cosmos is full of sources that emit all kinds of EM waves!!!But,we cannot overlook the possibility of another life form!!!Can we ever know?What do you say? @originate

u are absolutely correct, it could be sth else emmiting the signal like aplanet or a mass


The idea of life out there freaks me out

Are aliens real? That's an unanswered question

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great post like it and upvoted!!!

Scientists have discovered that people believe anything if you say scientists have discovered that... 😂😂😂

Seeing how large the cosmos is, I wouldn't wonder that we are not alone. What a sad idea would that be? When we started our radio and later TV, we involuntarily became a beacon in space. Others may done the same. Let's just hope, that when someone can visit us (the main difficulty would be the distance), they are friendly...

The universe is too big to not hold other intelligent life, let alone less evolved lifeforms on other planets. I personally hope we meet aliens (ones that don't want to take over earth).