New Moonlet Discovered

in #space8 years ago

A new moon was discovered about the Kuiper Belt object IDK86113.    It travels around the outer solar system planetoid once every 32 days, earth-time.   It's estimated mass is 23 x 10 58.    

Sensors on the European-built Vwieten-C spacecraft indicate silicate compounds with some heavy metals like nickel, iron and steel exist with its interior.   Plans to orbit the main planetoid were scrubbed as it's orbit became unstable as it approaches Perihelion.  

![moonlet 02.jpg]() un-named moonlet

No manned mission is planned to this newly discovered object are currently planned. But plans to sell its contents are already in the works. If you would like to buy this object, I would gladly put it on ebay for you. Starting price: $10.00 USD or $8 Bitcoin.


C O M M E N T & U P V O T E & F O L L O W @pixzelplethora


Interestingly, before I'd read past the first paragraph I was already google'ing "Kuiper Belt object IDK86113" before reading on, so that I'd have some context for the rest of the post.... I wasn't finding anything until I added quotes and saw this was the only result.. then read the rest to see it was fake.

Upvoting posts like this is how headlines become news, so I can't participate in that.

Anyway, during my research I learnt that there is a working theory by various scientists that there is another large planet orbiting beyond Pluto. Here's a link to the NASA page and here's a video from Caltech:

So then you linked to NASA which is all fake and contains "animation" which is not real either. I notice you did not thank this author for showing you the truth in the second paragraph. Thanks for participating anyhow. The earth is flat.