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RE: born by eating another planet (jupiter)

in #space7 years ago

Amazing wrap up of the giant planet Jupiter, this is the first post of the series I stumbled up on. I'm new here.

Do you think Jupiter is a failed star maybe it was destined to become a star consuming all the gas hydrogen growing bigger and bigger but couldn't get the fusion reaction because there wasn't enough gas to get from the surrounding to make more bigger and hotter for a star.

Anyway that would be a cool way to think about that isn't it, if the Jupiter was to become a star then this solar system would become a binary star system for sure and maybe life would thrive with enough distance for to make Goldilocks zone.


Jupiter is not a brown dwarf star even though it emits radio waves and has a hydrogen-forming element.
because the star fails / brown dwarfs are born just like the stars in general from the ruins of clouds of interstellar gas and dust, whereas Jupiter is not like that. Jupiter's mass is below the minimum mass of a brown dwarf.
Jupiter has a heat source and emits 1.6 times the energy received from the sun. although very hot in the core, Jupiter still cannot generate nuclear reactions to burn hydrogen like the sun because Jupiter does not have massive pressure and temperature internal pressure and enough to burn the hydrogen gas in the core.