
Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand:

BECOBooster Engine Cut-Off
LEOLow Earth Orbit (180-2000km),Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)
LZLanding Zone
LZ-1Landing Zone 1, Cape Canaveral (see LC-13)
LZ-2Landing Zone 2, Vandenberg (see SLC-4W)
MECOMain Engine Cut-Off,MainEngineCutOff podcast
MaxQMaximum aerodynamic pressure
apogeeHighest point in an elliptical orbit around Earth (when the orbiter is slowest)
bargeBig-Ass Remote Grin Enhancer coined by @IridiumBoss, see ASDS
crossfeedUsing the propellant tank of a side booster to fuel the main stage, or vice versa

IridiumBoss Matt Desch tweeted @ 16 May 2017 - 20:31 UTC

@SpaceY_UK @stratohornet @elonmusk And, while it may officially be an ASDS, I was referring to alternate name: Big-……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I couldn't have said it any better. Good review of the launch!

Thanks mate! Glad you enjoyed the read :)

Glad you shared! I learned so much from your interview on Whaleshares!

Thanks, and no problem, I often post space stuff! Glad I could share good information :)

Yeah it's definitely a game changer that they can recover parts.

They've been successfully recovering boosters of the Flacon 9 for around two years now, which drastically reduced costs. Now they're going bigger, but it is much harder. But this was a success, regardless. They sent the payload even further than planned (as they just burned off all the fuel in the second stage), and landed back 2 out of 3 boosters. And that footage of those two landing in sync was just ... orgasmic almost :p

looks like you are very interested in this kind of "games and toys" - rockets or so :D

Sure am. Space is just awesome!

PS: Racket inseamna stoarcere de bani prin violenta. Nu-s prea mare fan la asta, si nici politia n-ar fi :p

:))) pardon, abia mă trezisem când am lăsat comentariul. Am sa dau edit sa corectez :)

Nu-i nimic :)
Chiar daca-i un subiect serios, mai si glumim, nu?

Oh... chiar ma intrebam ce s-o intamplat cu "center core"-ul ca se luase camerele in timpul live-ului si pe urma am uitat sa mai caut info, desi aveam pe cine intreba - un vechi prieten de la care stiam de lansare si mi-am zis... ia sa ma uit si eu la ce se uita omul asta!

Da, au anuntat in conferinta aia. Sper ca ti-a placut hobby-ul prietenului tau :)
Si nici o problema, ma bucur ca a fost de folos informatia.