Cosmic Stuff...
I feel like the beach is a perfect setting to think about cosmic stuff. Perhaps in part because I've been reading Neil deGrasse Tyson's "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" but also because I'm taking a vacation where fields of sand stretch into a seemingly endless and watery abyss...
Generally, I'm not very good at taking vacations. I don't tan well, but I do enjoy sitting back with a drink and watching the tides get yanked around. Surrounded by billions of individual sand particles I'm reminded of a quote by astronomer Carl Sagan..."Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark." I mean, what better place to appreciate that quote than the beach? (Yikes, this guy is a real upper.)
When I was younger I used to troll the shoreline looking for treasure. (I still do.) There was/is always a hope of finding sea glass, rare shells, shark teeth or an ancient message in a bottle. In "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" Tyson speaks to the incredible hope and excitement surrounding the Voyager 1 space mission back in 1977. Voyager was basically Earth's first interstellar message in a bottle. In this post, I'll highlight a bit about the Voyager mission and the message it continues to shepherd through billions of miles of stardust.
12 Billion Miles and Counting...
In 1977 NASA launched the-now-cosmically-infamous “Voyager 1” space probe. The exploratory craft was designed to record and explore the outer depths of our solar system. For nearly 40 years Voyager 1 has whizzed past moons, planets and asteroid belts... A few years ago, Voyager 1 passed beyond our solar system and out into the great unknown of interstellar space, making it the most distant manmade object in our history.
12 billion miles and counting, Voyager 1 is still cruising...
Earth's Greatest Hits - The "Golden Record"
Voyager 1 is also a kind of interplanetary message in a bottle / time-capsule / Rosetta Stone. Hidden aboard, Voyager carries a Golden Record that contains samples of musics, sounds and greetings recorded from all over the world. So if, by chance, an interstellar traveller (alien or otherwise) were to come upon said-record they can listen to the sounds of Earthling rain, wind, thunder, birds chirping, a chimpanzee, a mother and baby, a train, car, morse code, or even... "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry.
In creating this record, scientists compiled a wide range of material designed to be a crash-course on humanity. Listen to the whole album and you've got a good sense of what's going on 12 billion miles back down the space highway. Call it, Earth For Dummies.
A Solar System Flyby
Voyager passed by a handful of planets en route to interstellar space. Along the way, it snapped some incredible images. Here are just a few (below) and you can find more on NASA's website, here.
The probe’s initial mission included flybys of Jupiter, Saturn and Titan (Saturn’s largest moon.) In 1980, Voyager 1 passed Saturn and entered the outer heliosphere. (A region that encompasses our solar system and bordered by solar wind.) On February 14, 1990, the spacecraft turned its lens back towards us and took a photograph that became known as “The Pale Blue Dot”... The photograph (below) was not a planned part of Voyager’s mission, but an impromptu move that was made at the request of Carl Sagan, leader of the Voyager Imaging team.
A few years later, Sagan made an incredibly moving statement about this one-of-a-kind image taken 3.7 billion miles away from home. (An excerpt of a commencement address delivered May 11, 1996.)
“We succeeded in taking that picture [from deep space], and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam."
"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. It’s been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience. To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” - Carl Sagan (1996)
This is great to read about one of my favourite topics here on, thanks a bunch for sharing.
Not only is the subject one I have been delving on and off over the course of my entire life, but Carl Sagan is definitely one of the most prominent figure of cosmology in these past 50 years. Thanks a bunch for sharing his sobering wise words, views and findings.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
I agree, super amazing to see those photos, more more more!
Glad this post resonated with you too Eric! Thanks as always for the kind words and feedback :)
Interesting read. I love those beautiful photos. Makes me wonder how minute we are in the greater perspective of things. I would totally love to read more of your post. Keep it up!
Thanks for the kind words... Namaste :)
What a solid facts. So scientific video.
That's the same for the heliocentric model, they haven't proved curvature, 8 Inches per mile squared, or movement of the Earth no gyroscope or any test they have done has detected any motion.
space and our place in it are both completely mind-blowing, love reading about it, thanks for the post!
Completely wild and impossible to grasp in a lifetime. I hope / wish we could (as a country and culture) get back to the exploratory ambition we had in '77... glad you enjoyed it @natureofbeing!
Also, I seem to remember that Carl Sagan and his brilliant wife put together this "interstellar message in a bottle" . Couldn't agree more about returning to space exploratory ambitions! Yesterday I read that Nasa discovered 10 more planets in the "goldilocks zone". Pretty cool.
They DID, you're absolutely right. They were an incredible duo. I was thinking about writing about that duo in tandem with Charles and Ray Eames... maybe for another post.
Great news from NASA. Here's hoping... maybe one of those 10 planets knows something we don't!
I've always marveled at Carl and Ann. I heard a great interview years ago with them and I've always remebered it because they were so captivated by life, so brilliant and were such magnificent creative minds. After hearing them I was inspired to live in that magic of life as much as possible.
And I firmly believe that there is ultra intelligent life out there!
love it.
Thanks brother man :)
Completely off topic but relevant to the danger of space- LIFE is actually a pretty interesting sci-fi thriller.
Is LIFE a movie?? I'll check it out
I love the idea of the Golden Record. I think that it's pretty amazing to think what was put on that record was supposed to be a glimpse at us as beings and basically something that says "We come in peace"....
I think there was an SNL skit in the 80's where the aliens respond and all they say is... "please send more Chuck Berry"
This is was an amazing read, thanks for the article. It is nicely written and I agree with you, beaches are a nice place to relax and think about topics such as space and life and love, etc.
Its awesome that the Voyager 1 has made it so far into space, but it's still probably nothing. I read about it a while back. This was an interesting update.
If I ever become a millionaire, I would go to space for sure. It's always been a dream of mine to look at the earth from space. Hopefully one day I'll be able to do it.
Upvoted :)
Thanks @droidsid! Likewise, I'd like to burn a few steem dollars on a mission into interstellar space ;) maybe one day...
OH man, that is awesome; what a statement from Carl Sagan! I think I've heard it in part, but never seen it written down like that as a whole, so thank you so much for posting.
Funnily enough, I was talking with someone the other day about Voyager 1, about how it's been travelling for most of my life, at a speed of circa 40k mph, and it was only last year that it apparently left our solar system.
However, I wanted to ask; does that include the Kuiper belt do you know; or do we technically call this our solar system? It's not the Oort cloud is it?
I just wonder, because I vaguely remember watching something about the Kuiper belt being as wide as our solar system, so it essentially doubles its size.
As far as that picture is concerned, I could stare at it all day and night; as Sagan says, a truly humbling experience.
I love staring at that image Cg... it's humbling to have that kind of perspective and for Sagan to have articulated its importance so eloquently.
To your point, i believe the Oort Cloud actually encompasses the Kuiper belt (which is also huge but actually overlaps with our solar system, I believe it is something equivalent to the width of our solar system).. the Oort Cloud is really super massive!
So eloquently!
I wonder then, if we can truly say Voyager has left the solar system; surely the Kuiper and the Oort, are being held in place because of the gravity of our sun, no?
I kind of like to think of Voyager still within the confines of our system, even though it has been travelling all these years. Are you a Star Trek fan by the way? Do you remember V-ger? :-)
Nice post! We need something that is going to move faster then the voyager, wayyy faster....At the time we didn't even think the voyage was going to last a few years but now look at it.
I think if aliens did ever find the voyager with all of our history aboard, it might just be the end of humans lol. We better hope they are friendly because we are leaving them with GPS right back to earth lol.
Maybe aliens are nuch closer then we think.
Haha right let's hope they don't hate Chuck Berry...! We could be in trouble.
Yes, technologically NASA did great job. But Stephen William Hawking - one of the best theoretical scientists in 20-21 century stronly suggested sit quiet, and hope for not being recognizedv by anyone in universe. Because probably it ia going to be the end of human civilisation.
A planet with billions of humans is just a dot in a much bigger galaxy. Makes the entire exploration far more interesting and worthy of spending time upon. Waiting for that statement to come as a breaking news " We are not alone"!
Endless possibilities!
Interesting content, thanks for sharing 100% upvoted from @chanthasam
Very kind of you thanks so much @chanthasam
Love this stuff! I'm also a physicist so this stuff makes me happy, up voted! Check me out too I post scientific content!
Fantastic! Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the tip on your posts as well :)
I took astronomy in high school, always been fascinated since, good post!
fascinating stuff @cryptosight, glad you enjoyed this post! Cheers
Interesting post! I listened to some of the recordings from the NASA site. Pretty crazy stuff. I hope the "bad guys" don't find the road map back to Earth, then again it may make things interesting.. LOL

great article!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it
I'm not in to science, but WOW this one is good!
hey haha thanks @sumerxxx
Great stuff mate
I am your new follower
Best Regards Andrei
Many thanks for your support @greatvideos!
Voyager 1 has great contribution is Space science.... We need a lot of missions to send to the space to explore some part of our universe and to discover a bundle of mysteries hidden around us in the vast Universe...
Here's hoping we have many many more missions with the same heart and ambition!
Thanks so much for sharing this interesting post.
I'm glad it resonated with you, thanks team101!
Maybe the probe has traveled far enough out into space that it can go back in time and tell me to buy ether in December 2015 instead of that stupid car. FML.
Hahaha, damn that would have been helpful ;)
9.7 Million dollars helpful. I don't even had the car anymore :( lol
The 'pale blue dot' image really blows my mind. It demonstrates just how small earth is in the big picture of the universe and really makes me think about what else could be out there. There must be other lifeforms out there, the universe is too big for there not to be!
Very good read, man I'm jealous of how well it is done. Your article is so good! There are so many good post on steemit, I'm lovin it. Well thank you for all your hard work and i hope to see more!
Many thanks for the kind words @tiandao :D
You're welcome!
Overall a really great article though!Great job on the article! You didn't however mention the images which were digitally placed on the phonograph records which can be seen here:
Ah good catch with the link, thank you digitalcosmos!
click here!This post received a 0.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @voronoi! For more information,
I was only 23y old when it started journey and now I am 62...still im same place.
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @voronoi!
My initial reaction to this post is that I know nothing about this topic yet as I read through I realized that I know more than I thought. Just needed my memory jogged. I love how you tied all this information together in a concise and meaningful post. Please go to the beach often!
great post....I love planets....
i love your post
many thanks for the support!
Thanks @adilvakhri!
Good article I saw a mockup of it at NASA last week. Posted about it so you might want to check it out. Pretty cool though, they have a website that is constantly ticking on how far away it is.
Oh cool will definitely check it out! I was peeping the website ticker earlier today, awesome to have that perspective of how fast it's moving. Thanks :)
My favorite , science ! Great informative content
Science for the win!
Great post. Informative and interesting.
Well your post is very good to always look, if this goes on I can give a hundred until there.
Thank you for posting useful for us all, good luck bro, hopefully always in the protection of god
''Smash that like button, let's get 500k likes or I'll kill my dog'' - every Youtuber ever
Really nice post keep it up love the work
You meen Twirble was supposed to play the record, not eat it? Bad Twirble sucks at interstellar politics. Nice post..sorry.
As a kid I remember this thinking it was an amazing accomplishment and was egger to learn from it. Time has certainly flown by.
Space is such a vast mystery. There's so much out there that we have no idea. I can talk with my friends for hours about the universe. Great article documenting everything we've done. So many questions but I still think our mission stands, "to boldly go where no man has gone before!"
thank you for sharing
it's informative
The BBC made a great documentary about Voyager back in 2012. Had a tear in my eye as it came to a close. Here's a clip:
BBC Is Rothschild Zionist pedophile protecting propaganda.
You're entitled to your opinion. But the BBC still make the best science and nature documentaries.
It's very Important you wake up I will list just some of the BBC's many lies, hang on.
Tap water Is as clean as bottled water, even though tap water Is full of fluoride which Is what the Nazi's used to make the population more controllable. GMO foods are perfectly safe, they contain dangerous amounts of Glyphosate which causes cancer.
Putin and Russia are aggressive, the west Is camped on their border and caused a coup In Ukraine via the CIA and George Soros.
Assad uses chemically weapons on his own people, when he has almost removed ISIS from his country, he's not that stupid, these are staged false flags by the rebels.
Islam Is the religion of peace and Sharia Law Is OK. Mohammad preached jihad for the forced conversion to Islam, Sharia promotes pedophilia via Muhammad consummated of his marriage with a nine year old girl, they execute homosexuals, and force girls to have genital mutilation.
Rothschild's control the BBC who are protecting the pedophile racket that goes right to the heart of Westminster, House of Lords and beyond.
Also for many many months they have labelled all Brexit supporters as racist, this organization Is a disgrace and should be wiped off the map.
This organization Is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the elites.
a nice post thanks man upvoted and followed
thank you!
In fact, first "hard" message to aliens was sent onboard Pioneer-10 and 11 probes, launched earlier. it is gold plaque with engraved main facts about Earth

One guy sells its replicas made from various matherials on Kickstarter
I indeed believe that some aliens will comes to know about our planet with its help and would one day make a visit. Let's wait for it.
Great article! thanks for sharing with us!
Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to browse dank memes.
Just imagine being an alien from outer space, comletely stoned with your alien buddies and you find that golden record and play it :D