FLASHBACK to September 1st 2016 when a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket exploded on the pad during refueling.
Since then the truth STILL has NOT been reported by SpaceX, NASA, The US Air Force, ULA, the FAA, and almost every MSM outlet to this day.
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I tried to contact SpaceX with the information to let them know what blew up their rocket but they didn't care. (April 22nd 2017)
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In my opinion they had to hurry up and fix the problem so they could get back to launching rockets (In order to get back to launching rockets they had to figure out the problem first so they couldn't start saying a really fast craft destroyed the rocket) The reason I say this is because if I have PROOF, being both visual and confirmed by the source itself, that a craft destroyed the rocket and that would mean EVERYONE involved in the AIC (Accident Investigation Team) knew as well.
CONFIRMED the craft on a second camera (SEE CRAFT AT :21 ) PROVING what was flying around in the US Launch Report's video was NOT "birds and/or bugs"
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(SEE IN MOTION) https://www.instagram.com/p/BdLQZ9gBfdS/
CONFIRMED in the phone call below with the US Launch Report, the gentleman confirms a craft is what blew up the rocket. Also note that almost every media platform themselves used the US Launch Report footage and he said no other media outlet has reported the truth yet. At 11:47 he says don't tell anyone I talked to him because he can get in trouble with the Air Force.
Snopes themselves covered this topic and said it was UNPROVEN
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Whatever Snopes thinks hasn't been proven has been proven right here in this article. I personally think this is one of the biggest stories in the world because of what it entails which is advanced technology. It's very clear we go to war for resources. It's time the people stand up and DEMAND ACTION because it's no secret these governments have been milking fossil fuels for way too long.
The BBC even claimed copyright on my SpaceX video for a brief period of time, in my opinion they undid it because they would have to take EVERY other media outlets videos down as well that used their footage.
Clearly I got someones attention with this video...
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Washington Post Original Article w/ Video after ExplosionTwitter: https://twitter.com/ancientminds111
Washington Post Sabotage Articlehttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/09/01/space-x-explosion-rocks-launch-pad-at-cape-canaveral/?utm_term=.a415ff340787
ULA Employee says "The idea that SpaceX's rocket was sabotaged is 'pretty much a joke'"https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/implication-of-sabotage-adds-intrigue-to-spacex-investigation/2016/09/30/5bb60514-874c-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.d9cf39139a83
House Republicans led by Mike Coffman question SpaceXhttp://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-sabotage-theory-unlikely-2016-10
A Letter from Rep. Coffman and Nine other Congressmenhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/house-republicans-site-concerns-over-spacex-explosion/2016/09/29/a23e2ac0-8689-11e6-a3ef-f35afb41797f_story.html?utm_term=.6bc98693176b
Business Insider Waging a Space Battle on Capitol Hillhttps://www.scribd.com/document/325845340/Congressional-Letter-to-AF-NASA-FAA-on-Assured-Access-to-Space
Business Insider SpaceX is currently the only entrant in a $70 billion rocket contesthttp://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-ula-competition-space-war-politics-2016-10
Camera 1 (1-34) (US LAUNCH REPORT)http://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-spy-satellite-launch-competition-ula-2015-11
Camera 2,3 (35-36) (DIBC NEWS)
Camera 4 (37) (DIBC NEWS)
South Korea (38?) (ODN-On Demand News)
Hi, I found some acronyms/abbreviations in this post. This is how they expand: