"To new users to be more careful with phishing, if you are a victim of phishing, then immediately contact @gtg to recover your stolen account"
That's not really a good advice. Of course I would gladly help anyone who is in need, but I'm a human being, I might be offline or busy, and this is something that is really TIME CRITICAL.
All I can do is to guide you through that hard time, so it's far better to directly deal with the case instead of waiting for assistance: (I can't give much more advice than that anyway):
- If you are unsure if your password is secure, please:
Change your password immediately - If you can't log in or change your password then it means that someone altered it. In such case, plase follow:
Stolen account recovery and make sure that you are providing same e-mail that you've used during your sign-up.
thank you very much dear @gtg for helping us in difficult times when our account was hacked by hackers. You are a good witness who gladly helps anyone. and you have guided me and others who have suffered the same fate as me.