@iflagshit, If you are fighting spam, you are my friend. And i will upvote you any time becasue i belive you are good for steemit. If @abusereports is fighting spam, they are my friends, and i will upvote them anytime, because they are good for steemit.
On that note. I will leave it to your own better judgment on what course to follow regarding my post which you have downvoted without reason.
Removing my vote would mean that i am anti-spam accounts. And i cannot do that. If any thing, it would equally mean that i stop reporting abuse/spam to @steemcleaners which i frequently do.
It would also mean that i stop upvoting bots like @cheetah which i find useful in filtering out plagiarized content. Again i cannot, and will not do that.
It is up to you to decide what you will do with your downvote on my blog. But i am of the humble opinion, that ou remove it, as it has no rational explanation.
@iflagshit has a point to make.. there should be no monopoly on what is and what is not spam. transparencybot may be doing something that appears neutral, but consider this: what is actionable and what is not about what he reveals, remains in the hands of a few. The issue is quite complex. The answers are not simple.
Having said all that - I was commenting to oppose what badcontent was doing last week, and i got punished with a flag on one of my unrelated posts.. why? because a large witness felt it is his right to abuse the flag feature. Take a look here
Do you think that is right? I disagree with a bot which may be making mistakes and harming people unfairly, then I am punished with a flag on unrelated and fairly good post? It is out of hand.
We must fight spam yes.. But I firmly oppose fighting abuse with abusive methods. An intelligent soluton shold be found.
I don't agree with spam buti also don't agree with saying someone is guilty of spam just because he bought a vote or upvoted himself at the very last minute.
Why nt make the payout 3.5 days after the 7th day? And why not have a transparent democratic process to screen for spam in that 3.5 days after 7th day? Surely we are more intelligent than going around poking each other haphazardly.
You argument here is way too new for me. I have only been sucked into this whole thing because i happened to report a comment spammer, and upvote @abusereports, which, in the spirit of discouraging spam, seems the only sensible thing to do.
You are absolutely correct in doing what you did and I think no one should punish you for having done that.
Punishing in that way is a unilateral action without taking into account anything, least of all fairness, the facts or your rights. The same way people are being hit by some accounts for using a certain bid bot. The broader arguments are not even sound enough to ban vote after 3.5 days but people are letting one party punish people for making a perfectly permissable choice. All in the name of anti-spam war. It is just wrong. The system is flawed - it needs work. Riding rough-shod over people is not the way to proceed.
Well, i was downvoted. But i am well over that now. Thanks