What is the point of upvoting link posts? Any bot can do it, it doesn't take effort and it doesn't contribute to the value of Steem, Steemit, or to the community as a whole. Does the community really want to encourage this?
We have a lot of new users everyday that will see this as a way to make easy money if just one out of 100 posts gets noticed. I doubt users like this will contribute to the community and rewarding them will be noticed. Others will follow and we'll see more of it than we already do!
It's hard enough to find content on steemit.com. I don't want to see users posting even just their thoughts and ideas lost in link posts. I see it is a slap in the face to those that put effort into posting (no matter the quality of their post) and are never recognized when someone puts almost zero effort into a post and makes $275.
Great post, i hope all the new steem users take this to heart.
And dont be afraid to mute accounts like the plagarist in the screenshots above.
Totally agree with you on this
Not always easy to spot unoriginal content. Not for you, not for me, not for a bot. and the smarter people and developers that know how detection works well.. they just get around it. I see this as a huge problem for steemit
Sadly, a huge majority of users is around only for the profit, so, they randomly upvote anything that is "trendy" just to cash in, not because of the quality of the article. Otherwise, hod do you explain that a smoothie recipe post reached 500 bucks value?
Will hope for the best. That people will vote for better content overall. :)@patrice I agree like many. But people will vote how ever they choose.
I agree with you on this idea. It's correct.
Thanks for your advice patrice on what not to upvote and you help by recommending @donkeypong to me.
Absolutely agree.