It is very frustrating to create (relatively) good content, at least unique content that one spends hours writing, then receiving 0,50$, while posting a meme that takes 10 seconds pays you the same or even more.
I can certainly understand why people do that, or at least why many use short format post.
I don't see many memes trend or roll in lots of money.
Nope. Neither do I. But I do however see a lot of great content making 0,02$. While some memes makes 0,50$ What should the poor minnow do? :) I rarely see the work of any minnow with months of experience with rep between 50-55 bring in any big bucks on good content. There are some who are lucky enough to know whales who do that. But without connections it can be really hard. Sure, the best thing is probably to just continue to create good content and in time get more followers, recognition etc. But I see how short term thinking people would turn to quicker money.
Agreed. It is an issue. I do think cream rises to the top. So, it is a good thing to just keep posting good stuff while you wait to be discovered.