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RE: Duh!

in #spam7 years ago

spamming rulzzz.. and sorry mate those double your money in short time also comes with big risks like lose all your money within even shorter time.. in the ends it's spam we believe in.. afterall you are just posting too your links here in my posts and yes it's totally spam to post your links in another person's blogs 😂😂😂

Long live spamming! All hail to spammers!


May the spam be with you

lol that sounds like you are the priest of spam

Haha...Well, if I'm the priest you are the king!

stop kidding duh.. I don't do those nice posts comments ok.. I'm strictly against those nice, thanks, welcome, etc etc😂

LoL Too funny!

Really? 😐 i will remove the link... sorry ☹

Listen the risk here is not too much. Read it please

If i could then I would.. but sadly I don't have capitals to invest..

No worries dude 👍