Can You Flag One Account of this Botnet Farming Scheme?: Spaminators Needs Your Help Right Now & You'll Be Rewarded

in #spam7 years ago (edited)

The farming botnets are continuing to rape the reward pool. I just took care of 5 accounts, but there are many more! This is part of a vast botnet farming scheme, and it is automated. There is one post from each of these accounts, then a program has been written to comment one random word, which is then upvoted by 57 bot accounts.

The payout is about to happen on this farming scheme, but if each of us flags one account (flag all the comments on each account), then we can work very effectively, removing the incentive to continue this insanity.

There are actually way more than these 10 accounts, but I am going to see if we can work as a community, like an immune system, each of doing a small part. Just take one account, and comment below which one you flagged, so that people know which ones are left.

Here are the 10 accounts that have upvoted comment botnet spam.

Flag all the comments:


This is only a partial list from @spaminator. I took care of the first 5 accounts, but need help with the rest. If all ten accounts are taken care of and you feel really energetic, here's the rest of the list:


Each Steemian who helps, will receive one full power upvote from me. I will upvote you tomorrow, if this post gets circulated around, and I've gone to sleep. Don't worry! You will get my upvote for helping. Please don't scam this reward system of mine...

There are 3 pages

Hi Stellabelle,
I blasted it with all that I had. Glad to help.

it sucks we have to use our SP on this type of shit, but.............if we don't get this under control now, we'll have to collectively decide to do another Hardfork, which would go back to how it was before, when self upvoting and farming schemes were not profitable....basically going back to kindergarten.

As a fellow Stemian , who believes in justice and fairness , you have my full attention in this matter and props to you for making this platform a better place . Already on it

Was ready to take action flagging hand is as strong as a Lion ...however all the fake accounts are zero...bring in more for more spanking

Amen, I am off to do #16 in that grouping right now JOL.

I adjusted my artwork tonite, in my last post just up --- can you tell me if it is OK?? Like, does it show up fine and really readable in newsfeed as the primary image????

I'm willing to help too :)

here, I found another one you can do:

I flagged 3 comment on this one


EVERYONE .......... free GIFS JPEGS and ART for you all!

Checkout my Newest Blog Post for FREE GIFS to all in THANKS FOR HELPING OUT!!!


Do any of them show any transactions in their wallets that show who the head of the snake is?

yeah, i think @sherlockholmes investigated this...let me check shortly...

Done already, It's from a russian language.

thanks, much appreciated.

It's a pleasure !

Mine is going now, do you think you can UV my post just up few mins ago on my page if you are voting? It would help me and not cost any extra LOL!!!

just make sure and tell us which account you wiped out.

#13 is done , my voting power is not high , but I'm still trying to do all of them as an effort . Can't completely wipe them but bringing them all down.

Team work feels good

yeah, i guess this is humans vs. bots (controlled by crappy humans)

there's a dystopian novel plot in there somewhere...

yes, is this what the sci-fi books were talking of? or is the steem algorithm so bad that it allows such automated farming schemes? Pre-Hardfork 19 this farming operation would not be lucrative. It looks like Dan was right. Humans really cannot be trusted to do the right thing even when given the tools for free.

part of it is a matter of trust. people are afraid to believe in a good thing, they think the only way to make money is a scheme.

Wrote you back in a couple places to let you know, have a good nite Stella. I do appreciate a vote if you find time, I was just checking replies / comments etc and my posts now before I sign off for the nite.

Sleep well.

You know how much I like people asking me to vote for their posts right?

Just as much as a pebble in your shoe?

I actually did not think you would mind given you said you were UV people who flagged things to help out, and given we know each other but that's fine.

I hit about 15-20 of them.

Not exactly what I would have preferred to spend my newly leased SP on but those are pretty ridiculous.

I feel the same way, but if we all do a little bit, we can make a huge difference.

I'll let my VP charge back up and go after some more tomorrow.

ah no problem. a little bit helps...

I've got rahtmanshin.

You wiped out $1 from a spam botnet and received $6 for your work.'s way more profitable to help people. This is the real lesson in all this insanity of botnet upvote farms.

thanks. Take my upvote.

Thanks!, all rewards have been removed from that account.

Great initiative! I'll start on #16 right now.

PS <3 You don't have to upvote my post, it's all good, I want to help!

thanks for the backup on #16 - i was trying but didn't have enough to get them to $0

Ooh I see you there now! Great work you got it wayyyyy down!

Yes i do! It's more profitable to help than to destroy steemit.

Ooh trust me, this is bringing me a LOT of joy, I'm so glad to be able to stop these people from stealing from the rewards pool, every flag gives me satisfaction! I was lucky enough to have been delegated some SP from a really kind Steemian, and it feels good to be using it for GOOD!!

oh there is much more than this......if you go to that link you can see the full list of 57.

It's truly sickening to see the rewards on some of them, so glad everyone is working together to stop these thieves.

I started at the bottom with @raxe and worked my way up.

#13 (My lucky #)
I hit the top 3 comments at 100%. Nocked them down to 3 cents. About 6 more comments to go.
I'll try and do more later, but down to 60% and need to charge.

ok thanks...I can help with that.

i finished it off...thanks.

Glad to help, flagged about 15 posts by @Tsyur. There are still more if anyone wants to go at it.

As for my reward, no need for a blind upvote, although I'd love a glance at my blogs and if anything takes your fancy a upvote, resteem or follow would be very much appreciated, but as i said only if they interest you.

Would be happy to donate sp to some downvote bot for use in cases like this

ok I'm thinking that you can delegate SP to the @spaminator account. That will become the official one dealing with this.....and I hope some programmers see this thread and decide that bot vs. bot is better....but there will always be some manual purging, as I think we all gain community props....

ok, looking into that account now. Am currently trying to make my own bot to combat spam. But it is also my project to learn programming so it will take me a while.

@sadkitten is programmed to downvote the botnet comment rings....and it is working....I would guess that last night it didn't have a chance to catch up with all the abuse....there's a lot of it, but I just looked and it was taking care of the newer accounts spam. look at Steemd to find out the activity:

actually, contact @personz as that's the person who is programming @sadkitten anti-spam bot. You might consider working together, or get advice so that you don't double up efforts, overlap things.

yea will do that, if nothing else I can send on 500 SP delegation

Ok I've done unartenof (number 10)and I'm off to bed

i did a bunch on /@pantsevelsh/comments but i dont have enough to get them to $0 :(

  • i got a lot of them down to .01

  • cut a bunch on #15 /@shemf/comments in half - but not to $0, started from bottom ones about to payout first.

ok thanks, i'll do the rest.

I'm am so happy you are a leader in this fight. I wish I had more SP to help.

Me too. I was helping with #15, but still a ways to go.

13 flags dropped on this one

thank you

Obviously might be a bit bigger than 56 accounts if some of these comments now have 4700 votes lol

I flagged a few by @valowat, but i can see that most of these comments are already not visible, or has reached 7 days.

Thanks @stellabelle for the help. Big ups for taking the time and SP. With your number of followers, hopefully we can take care of this tonight. I just did another one (#13). I will take care of some more also. One day at a time people......eventually they will learn this is not the place for that crap.

Yeah, I think I just created a new job for people......everyone who helps gets a 100% upvote from me! (only problem, is that my SP gets drained really fast!)

i saw your work earlier...thanks.

7 and 8 are done (except for a penny on a few comments)

17 done (1 penny on a few comments).....and my SP is done for the night. Keep it up everyone.

ok ,let's begin the extermination :)

which number are you doing?

started with 6

I got I am new to this so I hope I red-flagged the comments correctly. Glad to help. Cheers

thanks so much! I can't do it on my own, so I appreciate your efforts

oh nice, your rep just went waaaay up.

Wow!! I am VERY new to Steemit, so I don't know all the nuts-n-bolts yet. But that jump looks impressive :) Thank you very much @stellabelle

basically, every noob needs to realize: your reputation is more important than anything else. When you help people in here, hopefully someone who has a higher rep will take notice and reward you. That's how you grow your influence. Ignore the vote buying crap. It actually doesn't work very well.

Understood. In my initial reading I am seeing that reputation increases through (in layman's terms) good old-fashioned community building - post good content and support others who do the same. It is exciting to see the growth of niche interest communities growing in here. I think the success of a environment like this will, in no small part, be first driven by the passion of champions in many niche communities: photography, politics, cars, stamp collecting, etc. This will pave the way for the general population whose interests lie in these niche communities. Once they come on board and take ownership of these healthy communities Steemit will grow as we have seen other mainstream SM environments.

The ramblings of a noob :) :)

You're at the first layer, because you're a noob. You're from mainstream where only surface details are understood. Those who stick around longer will get to the second layer. That's when the magic happens.

Very exciting indeed. I am looking forward to digging deeper.

Thanks again for all the work you are doing. I hope I can contribute in some small way as I learn more about this environment.

BTW. Decentraland crowd sale is beginning today. Been following for quite some time now. That is another environment I am so looking forward to exploring.


@tsapk is having a bad day. He's down to a rep of 13, and I've taken all of his comment rewards.
My solution to this rubbish is here

Check this one sir, need to be taken care off.

Most of them were already done by others. The one with 4700 upvotes I hit with 100% flag, and got it down to $1.80.
All the others are zero now.

Wow, it works! Thank you sir @mattclarke!

I killed off @teleyuck too, and @priochoir and @tyimashi from the extended list.
With almost 10,000 SP a 10% flag is enough to zero out the 9 cent reward on each post.

thanks for doing that.

Thanks for the suggestion, and for destroying your vp.
You're really good for steemit.

I got #12 Four 100% flags. Oops, I figured out I could get the posts to 0 with only 35% power so I did 6 or 7 more!

here take my $4.95

Thanks very much! I will try to do more when my SP goes back up.

I flagged the first 10 comments from this one:

that is #15

we did some damage on #15 together :-)

I am staying out of that because it involves whales....

Understandable, but it makes more damage to the community, so who should act?

anyone is free to act, to put forth their opinion. If something bothers you, then do something about it. However, we are unable to change other people, so think wisely about how to make things better. I am putting my energy on automated upvote/comment farming bot schemes because i think they pose the greatest threat right now....human-generated plagiarism is also important, but automoated operations are more problematic and vast.

Here to do my part. #WarOnSpam

cool thanks so much for helping out

My dad asked me to help out...(@em3)
I have low sp, but helped flag 10 I think.
No need for reward, I didn't do much, but helped what I can!

Thank you for helping make STEEMIT a better place!

thank you! every bit helps!

This is crazy. Thanks for the big effort you and @spaminator, and everyone else who is battling these bots!

edit: I just went though one entire comments thread and took out all pending rewards - this really sucks, but is nice to see the community working together to weed it out!

thanks for helping!

Just hit about 15 of #8's comments.



I'm new here, how to flag a comment?

There's a tiny flag icon in the top right corner.

found it. go yapetrash

thanks for your help

i'm not sure if your SP is high enough to remove rewards....try it though.

I think it's working. Got yapetrash and trutsinyark as far as I can tell. Hope it helps !

yeah, thank you

I intend to be a team player!. I'm working on it. #16 Done!!!

I would like to help but I'm afraid my flags won't mean very much. :(

Anyway... I flagged one comment from each of the list whos comments are not at 0 payout.

thanks, every bit helps actually

I flagged a bit of #56, but it did not seem to be doing much good, the first couple of flags did a bit of damage, but I seem to have run out of voting power now :(

yeah those ones are big payouts, i didn't make much of a dent either

I hit every comment in this one, but it can use some more.

hahah post was hidden due to low ratings.. cant get into it

Unfortunately, the commenters will still get a payout. :-(

click "show" then beat down on the comments

Great cause, happy to bring what I can to the table, hitting #9

Just flagged 11,12,13 we need to get rid of those nasty bots driven by crappy people. Glad to help @stellabelle

Great work @stellabelle I got a handful of the remaining accounts. I hope that's all of them. Until next time! :)

obviously, if more bots were programmed to do this job........any takers out there for this that you know of?

That's what delegated power is for. How much massive SP is on the side-lines, wasted when it could be finding an army of white hat hackers and goodbots? We need SP holders thinking long term, getting off the fence or the pool-take. Some organisation and a sustained marketing strategy targeting the large SP holders is what we need I think.

Will do! The ones you listed are already flagged enough, I'll take some from spaminator's post. Great stuff, we should do this more often.

I drop links in the abuse chatroom daily but unfortunately I don't have the voting Power or followers to do something like this by myself. It would be nice to utilize the power of the community more often this way.

yeah, i am thinking of making this kind of post a regular thing as it bonds us together, plus gives actual rewards (upvote money) as a thank you......

Have done # 7 and some of # 8. Will be back for more muahahaha

There is still comments there from @raxe
Ill try to flag some.

Is there not an easier solution to this? I mean every system with users has/should have functionality to disable/deactivate users by some admin.

@stellabelle thanks for doing this

Steemit does not ban users. And there's already one bot that is cancelling out the rewards, I am hoping that a programmer will be inspired to build another bot to do this....

Ok. Thanks for the info. J

This is why this Steemit rules. Dropping flags like it's my job. Thank you.

I gave #44 a boot.

Hi. With my limited voting power, all I could do was to kill some stuff from @raxe
Innocent question. ... the @steemit account holds more than 70 million SP.... could they not
do this job more efficiently than ourselves. .?

there is a bot already programmed for this, but I would guess that it's overloaded. Just seeing the enormity of this issue, I am hoping that programmers step up to do this work instead of us. However, the community needs awareness of the problem, before we decide as a community what to do. Without awareness, people won't understand. You are free to contact @ned and ask him directly. However, we are a decentralized community, and not run by a central authority. That's the main difference between here and Facebook. In here, we have to come up with our own solutions to problems, and work to solve them, in a way that is community-driven.

Jeez there are so many spammers it is crazy!
I just went through and flagged a few of them.
Great to see what we as a community can do to get rid of these spammers.
Annoying how people have to come and devalue the platform with spam. I don't know what they are trying to get out of.
All they do is ruin their steemit account and be reset back to the bottom.
I've started to follow @spaminator

thanks for the help.

Went over to the other page and hit 56 (it still had 2-3 in $1-$4 range)
52 I think I cleared up the last.(may have been a few with 1 cent left)
50 I hit all I could, but still some $0.02 - $0.08 left, but I was loosing strength fast!

Great job to spaminators and to you for helping clean Steemit up!!!!
Huge Love and Yunk Hugs!!!

Checkout my Newest Blog Post for FREE GIFS to all in THANKS FOR HELPING OUT!!!


Flagged this one
This bot is still at 33 rep... FLAG IT!!!
I also don't know if this post will help
The bots seem to be ruining Steemit. There must be a better solution. Alternatively, it should be every Steemians duty to actively participate in flagging on a list such as yours, perhaps weekly or so... depending on how deep the rot is. Edit: I understand that Steemit is about freedom for all but raping the system, it needs to STOP. Your willy must be chopped off before you can find a hole!!

Didn't read through everything so I just flagged some of those with highest current rep, just in case this helps :)

Or no, wait. I can't have any effect on them as the payout is too soon.

I flagged all comments in numbers #6, #7, #8 & #9. As a recent victim of fraud (Recently posted about my loss) I felt the need to hit a few of these..

I've Flagged all the comments in #9

I'm going to help them bother me that practice and in some of my posts appear I do not give them flag because I'm scared that as they are many give me flag to my post #13. Take the other list # 1 my sp is weak but manage to give you flags a few more tomorrow continue to help

take the other list # 56 but i have sp weak ;(

I'll start at the bottom and work my way up... I will also RS! Here's another ripoff you can add @amarvaran

i think it's taken care of already....but thanks!

I noticed, I couldn't find anything to flag!

breathe in your soul you beach on my sea
This heart's inward is a holy love
My intention to your death
Loving just you
Thirst of my soul I love
My soul mate me you
To die I want to be with you
This is my point
My soulmate wants you
One love to death separates
You and I are one
Love each other
After my sad sadness
Life is now yours

I'm on eSteem at the moment and having trouble with loading those to mark them. I'll try later when I get on a desktop computer.

ok thank you.

I went through and flagged several of them until I got the message: "Voting weight is too small, please accumulate more voting power or steem power." I guess I'm done for the night.

I don't really think flagging them will help, they will just use create new ones and you will be wasting your time, I think the solution has already been given by various people, just use a captcha to be able to vote, that would stop the bots.

this is not a longterm solution. There is already a bot, @sadkitten who is programmed to flag these botnet comments....I am thinking that many more bots need to be programmed to do this work. Or we go back to a different algorithm like we had before. ....

There are 3 pages