Steemcleaners - Downvoting

in #spam7 years ago

So the steemcleaners running around downvoting people who post very valuable content.
That way they discourage people who bring valuable content to the blockchain.
The reason they say is it is spam.
Or copied stuff.
They then go along and provide a link to a website that originally 'spammed' or stole the content. providing advertisement for a real stealer or spammer while downvoting the guy who with best intent and really valuable information.
Could someone here clear up for me what this service is good for?
If you read the news there is a 99% chance that you read what they call 'spam'. If u watch news in the tv they all get their information from other sources but from the original source, no? Heck the husband of my mother is a shark at Reuters (the biggest and most trusted news service around germany), you can read articles from them in every trusted newspaper. He has 16 journalists below him. And u know what he writes? He flies to the usa where atleast three newspaper speakers have to say the same thing until he finally can take that and translate it into german. And then they sell this information as their own to every newspaper there is in germany. Thats journalism. And as long as it is valuable information they would never be downvoted. They are not even downvoted if its bullcrap. But besides that, what is not copied nowadays? Dude u fuckin copy every letter you use!
I copy things because they provide the information i want to give the people. And if someone else finds better words for it than i do i will take it and spread it.
In my case there doesnt even exist an original source. The original source was german and i have searched for an english translation. And i took it from a site which already stole that information.

Now lets see what this service brings to the steem community.

It encourages people to rewrite the article to then sell it as their own. (Making them real thieves from my point of view, putting criminal energy in it to make someone elses work their own. So ironically they encourage things they pretend to fight)

Downvote people who have good intentions providing valuable content.

And on top of that being a motherfucker if someone go to their discord channel to get this removed.

In my opinion this service provides nothing but negativity.

This is 1:1 acting like the cabal. The elite, the state, gov, how ever you want to call them, those who steal hundreds of billions of dollars from humanity. Those who are responsible for the worst things in this world. Infact the worst this planet has to offer.
They are the reason blockchain is so profitable. They are the reason for artificially holding down the cryptoprices. They are infact responsible for more than 90% of suffering in this world.

Now tell me what positive effect does this have for steem? I can see none.
Running around downvoting people cuz 'they copied' and by that spamming (which is a lie to give his service attention). Dude u copied every fuckin letter! And i bet quite a lot this service is already copied from somewhere else. People who are able to invent something can think a little further than this guy.
Sad that a bunch of no-brainers follow this idiot and downvote people with the best intentions in mind. Something like this must be stopped. It is what makes the world a bad place. It suppresses valuable information! If we would listen to that guy we would not know whatsup in the world. Cuz u know we cant 'copy' the information provided by the venezuelian news so people in germany know whatsup there. Oh and... where do the venezuelian news become their informations? Is the supposed to be original source even from them? I bet its not from the news speaker himself! What a copy rat who should be downvoted! Gosh i can go on all day... pls pls pls someone tell me the positive side of that 'service'...



This is a pointless war, and pretty one sided, it will break the record for the shortest war in history. You are fighting a losing battle. You plagiarised, just accept it and move on.

will come a knockin'.@steemcleaners won't retaliate, flag us all you want, comment on us all you want, write what you want. You have the right to do that. But if you plagiarise, we

Right.. Well have fun with that. Probably see you around then.

You're definitely right about the situation and not only one being suddenly hit by parasites over last 24 hours. Now I interested to see who wins the Free Market or the Self-proclaim GateKeepers(Tyrants).

No one is preventing your from sharing information.
You are welcome to do so. Just select "decline payout" next time when you plagiarize someone else's work or when you share (copy and paste with source).

I suggest you better stopped arguing with steemcleaners team and if you want to share information to others then why don't you express those in your own words or why you think that's valuable to share to them🤔
Or follow like @logic has told you....choose decline payout.....unless it's not your work, the rewards is not yours🙄

This emoji fits your words💩
Yeah I am brainless. I am not any witness or steemcleaner guys. I was just like you, got downvoted and was on blacklist but unlike you I realized my mistake and I apologized.