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Interesting project.
Part of my job is running an Opt-In Newsletter (we used to call it a flier but newsletter is slightly more acceptable to some people.) in the world of email it's amazing how poorly educated people are and do not understand the distinction between Spam and Unsolicited electronic communication.
What are your criteria's for spam? I really dislike those comments that are both weird, seemingly unrelated to the post they're made against and are clearly made solely to ask you for a reciprocal upvote but is that spam? probably not.
If they are unrelated to the post they might be spam. They might be a bot. Some of the most active community members here comment up to 200 times a day. @xzibit posted 1619 comments in a 24 hour period not long ago. A look at the comments showed they were most likely bot comments. Most users won't dedicate 10 hours a day commenting. You can only post 1 comment every 20 seconds.
As @patrice said in chat i reference to spam and copy/paste:
They do not care to be part of steemit if they have no wish to be part of our community or care about steemit, the value of STEEM/SBD, or the success of steemit.com.
I'll post my criteria for what I consider spam in more detail but more or less it comes down to intent. Anyone not commenting or posting with the intent of engaging in conversation or providing a service to the community and be a part of it is in my opinion spamming.
Both large scale spam and dust spam if it is prolific enough has an impact on our community but not not all spam needs to be flagged into oblivion. I'm mainly concentrated on users running more than one account with voting trails they own, borrow, or rent and those commenting excess of the most active members here as they may be bots. The rest I'll comment on and report to @steemcleaners.
Full marks for what you are doing. We need people like you to watch out for those less well informed or who do not have the skill set to weed out these individuals who are just out to make a buck off people who simply care about being part of the Steemit community and fall prey to these cynics.
Thanks for the support!
No problem. :-)
they will leave Steemit after seeing they won't make any money!
We need the community to ensure they don't . Ironic that this post attracted a spam comment
Yeah, the very first comment on the first post was spam!
i want to dedicate this post on mt behalf to the great steemian @inber because there is a reason behind it because @inber was so much hurt and was sad due to these spammers las day he posted a big post about her views on this spam users and comments and today the great initiative has now taken by @spaminator , i thank you @spaminator to take this big step to stop and capture these spammers on steemit because they just want to make some penny's by their this shameful spam comments , they dont beleive on hardwork and they have no skills to write good that people like it , inshort they just want to do this sin on steemit for just some money and due to their shameful act all the steemit community suffers alot i again pay you my regards and give you hi-5 to start this project this is the great step that should be taken by some one i was just talking in comments with @inber last night because she was just sad due to these spammers and other illegal acts on steemit due to these acts on steemit great posts and big posts which writers write by so much hardwork they ignored and they will not get that benefit which they deserve to get , so on behalf of this great post i just say you @inber the problem has now solved due to this great @spaminator now this great man will get out these spammers from steemit and i personally pay you my regards again because its not just a simple work its a community welfare work to save this great platform from the spammers , i hope you will make this project more and more wide in future , hats of to you man steem-on
World Racing indeed frequently considered one eye by some people, But so does not cover the possibility that the world of racing is not favored by many circles. young boys and girls who liked the challenge is certainly very hoby with the world of racing.
Perhaps the thing that causes the racing is branded as negative thing was the number of kids motorcycle gang or wild racing dijalanan could jeopardize another Rider and troubling. of course this is very unfortunate because damage the image of the world of racing itself.
To hone the ability, usually kids racing always trained himself so that his racing career skill be improved. not infrequently they practice on the highway to test how kencangnya the iron horse is in an official event in order to prepare either a Drag Race or Road Race.
Check out some photos of the gadil learn racing for @munamaqfirah
Thanks for the downvotes!
Thanks for the spam!
Thanks for reading it and following directions!